Tuesday, August 17, 2010


A dear friend, even after a year, was having a very difficult time accepting the unexpected loss of her mother. I decided to needlepoint for her a guardian angel...More......

From my art history studies, I remembered a tender angel helping a soul successfully undergo its weighing, as depicted on a tympanum of the Romanesque church in Autun, France, and thought that it could be just perfect for her.

I isolated the little angel with the souls in its care, and set it all against a heavenly gold-toned background, achieved through the use of color, not specialty threads.

The (fuzzy, sorry!, but it's the only one I have) picture shows the unfinished, unblocked needlepoint (hence its skew).

(To see the original, go to: http://www.aug.edu/augusta/iconography/iconographySupplementalImages/autunTympanum.psychostasy.html)

Source: http://arsacupicturaestellae.blogspot.com/2010/08/angels.html

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