Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Automated web-based computer fix it? I dunno about that.

I know I just wrote a pretty in-depth blog earlier today; however I HAD to write this one as well. I just saw a commercial for a product that promises to “clean up your pc and make it faster!” all for a small fee. They state that there is no longer a need to have a computer technician out to your home or business or take it to a computer store. So, considering this website and application claim to make me and my company obsolete I just had to check it out. So, I downloaded the application and ran it.

Well…to say I am not really impressed would be an understatement. Now, I am not going to state what the application was as one, I do not want them coming after me legally for some type of defamation and two, I believe every business has a right to exist (within reason obviously) without the risk of someone badmouthing them. Identifying the company outright and stating the flaws would be, at least by my standard, immoral, unprofessional and tactless. I do not work that way...so to find out what it is you will simply have to do your own little bit of research.

The application in question is simply a registry scanner that checks your registry for errors and an anti-malware tool to clean up malware and spyware from your computer. Both registry errors and malware can in fact adversely affect your computer in many ways, including speed and repairing them will definitely improve your computers overall performance. However the claims that it will make your pc 10 times faster or that a trained and experienced computer repair technician is not needed are completely unfounded.

Why you ask? Well…to actually have said tool clean up your computer you would be looking at spending approximately $85. Granted this gives you a 1 year subscription to the tool as well as a cd copy of the software, it does not address unique situations, customer questions and other potential issues that could have a negative effect on your pc. Every computer and every computer user is unique and should be treated as such. A simply “cookie-cutter” solution may not potentially work for everyone.

So, how does a trained computer repair technician such as myself benefit you versus an application like this? I’ll tell you. For starters you would have a technician in your home to address your unique needs and answer your questions right then and there. They would also be able to address other issues not related to malware or registry errors. A trained tech can install a FREE registry cleaner that will work for more than just a year. They can also install a FREE anti-malware and anti-virus client that again will work for more than just a year. They can also show you, in person, how to use these applications whenever you like, at your convenience. Finally all of this from PC Made EZ would more than likely cost you only $79.99 (our standard first hour rate). Meaning you could get the same results, if not more, with the personal attention you deserve, for $5 less than the tool this commercial was selling. So…is a trained computer repair technician obsolete? I think not. In fact, I feel the personal attention a tech can provide you with is in fact what makes us valuable. Want your computer looked at by a professional? Contact us today!

Source: http://pcmadeezgeektech.blogspot.com/2010/08/automated-web-based-computer-fix-it-i.html

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