Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cooking Games – Tips for a Perfect School Lunch

These days I’m relegated to making school lunches instead of playing real cooking games. Of course, school lunches need love, too, and I’ve come up with a few plans of attack on how to pull together a nice lunch in a pretty speedy way.

To make a school lunch, I always start with a frozen juice packet. The frozen juice acts like ice to keep the rest of the lunch cool, but it also melt over the course of the morning so that you have nice, cold juice to drink at lunch time. This works with a small water bottle as well.

I then include something easy to eat with your fingers. I’ve discovered that packing something that resembles a real meal often means I forget to include silverware, so I’m stuck. Better to throw in some cheese and crackers or a sandwich than risk having pasta without a means to eat it.

Finally, I always include a sweet snack. Even if it’s just a single cookie or a small candy bar, it’s important to have a little treat throughout the day. It’s just as important, of course, to find a treat that is small – you don’t want to ruin your supper, after all.


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