Tuesday, August 17, 2010

El Museo del Barrio New York


Nitza Tufiño, Neo-Boriken: 103rd Street Lexington Line Subway Station Design (Neo-Borikén: dibujos para la estación del tren subterráneo de la linea Lexington de la calle 103), 1991, Linoleum block print, Collection El Museo del Barrio, NY, Museum Purchase, W91.488.4, Detail.

Carlos Irizarry, Andy Warhol, 1970, From the portfolio The Sixties Plus Picasso (Los sesenta y Picasso), Photo serigraph, AP, Collection El Museo del Barrio, NY, W91.425, Detail.

Vargas-Suarez Universal, Virus Americanus XIII, 2003, Oil enamel on wood, Collection El Museo del Barrio, NY Acquired through "PROARTISTA: Sustaining the Work of Living Contemporary Artists,"

El Museo del Barrio : New York’s leading Latino cultural institution welcomes visitors of all backgrounds to discover the artistic and cultural landscape of the Caribbean and Latin America.
The early history of El Museo del Barrio is complex, intertwined with popular struggles in New York City over access to, and control of, educational and cultural resources. Part and parcel of the national Civil Rights movement, public demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, and sit-ins were held in New York City between 1966 and 1969.

Wednesday - Sunday, 11am - 6pm. 1230 5th Ave @104 St.


Source: http://themotart.blogspot.com/2010/08/el-museo-del-barrio-new-york.html

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