Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Freeze time ; freeze my love for you.

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah HEY! Just nw, Agnes was pestering me to play msn games wif her but I refused. (: who ask her just now wan snatch my vanguard sheet & nearly got scolded by 1 sec 3 girl. Lucky she nvr see or else confirm get scolding from laogong de. :D was praying that sci test could postpone to friday and then, it was true. Oh yes!! Tmr got history and geog test, dun feel like studying .. haha. Nevertheless, in order to get to th class i wan nxt year, i must study ok! I've to choose between geo and history. Used to like history very much but when it comes to source-based or essay, I seemed to lose my interest. I'd rather they ask me questions about Qin dynasty or th Romance of th 3 kingdoms.. zzz .

I love recess the most. :P First thing is that we can eat together as a group. Secondly, we can chat whatever topic we want without worrying that our teachers might scold. Next is that we could laugh like one bunch of mad ppl! Sometimes, we can laugh together becos of a certain subject which makes me happy for th rest of the day liao. Nxt year, we might not have th chance to do it again. 9 of us will be separated & this is really a sad thing... :( Nvm! Got back my lit paper and was a little stunned. A little disappointed with my results. 16/25. I don't think it's good. Wad happen to my A1?! Went to AVA theatre for history. Mr. Tan make fun of Kar heng again. ^.^

I was being bullied by my 'beloved' daughter & my 'doting' husband. They 2 squeezed my head until my specs nearly dropped. Aiya, being sandwiched between them is very 辛苦 luh. Every minute must be very alert or else kanna ks also nobody know! T.T Managed to finish my IT today though th sch com is always lag. Bus-ed home wif mama. She keep hitting me la! i wan sue her for abusing child. :@ we had a cat fight in th bus. Saw Crystal too. Hehe then tat mad woman dun dare hit me anymore. *bleh* Haix, guitar lesson tmr again. I guess I need more time [don't ever think of asking me to sacrifice my computer time for guitar okay!] .

Source: http://myprofitlove.blogspot.com/2010/08/freeze-time-freeze-my-love-for-you.html

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