Tuesday, August 17, 2010

GiveLife Chennai Marathon

GiveLife Chennai Marathon:
Its back again "GiveLife Marg Chennai Marathon" Organised by Tamil Maiyam In aid of " Give Life" a publicly owned charity organisation.Know more about Chennai Marathon event

About GiveLife:
GiveLife is a publicly owned and publicly audited charity. Holistic education and development and the under-previlegded children is the core focus. But GiveLife responds to any social, human and ecological issues that demands attention and intervention.

GiveLife Chennai Marathon Run Categories:
Chennai Marathon has three categories for run, Half Marathon Run (21.09 km), Great Chennai Run (7km), Wheel Chair Run (500m).

GiveLife Chennai Marathon Prizes

Chennai Half Marathon National Category & Chennai Half Marathon Tamil Nadu Category

I Prize – Rs. 3 Lakhs
II Prize – Rs. 2 Lakhs
III Prize – Rs. 1 Lakh

Wheel Chair Run:
I Prize – Rs. 5000
II Prize – Rs. 3000
III Prize – Rs. 2000

GiveLife Chennai Marathon Sponsors

View this newsletter to know about GiveLife Chennai Marathon and GiveLife Chennai Marathon Sponsors here -GiveLife Chennai Marathon Sponsors

Source: http://latestmoviesreleases.blogspot.com/2010/08/givelife-chennai-marathon.html

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