Tuesday, August 17, 2010

History of mannequins in fashion design - a look back shows that they are more than just a Dummies

Go through all the stores, and will spend several mannequins models the latest fashions. While continuing to come to this visual representation of staples have for granted, have a rich past and mannequins plans, going back in Egypt. Whereas developed as mannequins over the years, we can see that they have not only the ideal, there should be similar against, but how we live. No wonder historians, dealers, fashion, and studentsas characters from their long life fascinating.

and East. Ages the ancient tomb of Tutankhamen was opened in 1922 as king, one of the treasures were found, believed in a trunk-like life, the world's first costume brand. In fact, put the dummy its functional role as a dress form through the centuries. Were realistic facsimiles of kings and queens, so that tailors and seamstresses could not create clothes, the rulers have been created with infiniteFittings, or even worse, threatens his modesty touching their bodies.

French aristocracy. In the 18th century in France was the fashion, and "fashion dolls" were created as a capital to show the French fashion designer in the world. These early mannequins, fashion represents the ideal of the court, presented about a dozen centimeters of life. Were abroad, so people could see what were the French envoysCopy styles. Marie Antoinette was known that Austria dolls to send to their mothers and sisters have been updated with what is in vogue at Versailles.

The industrial revolution and the windows. Mannequins has a great leap forward in the development of electrically lit streets and large glass windows and glass. Suddenly, walking the streets and had to receive the fantasy worlds in shop windows, a popular pastime. The firstDummies were created for this purpose wax and wood. Were extremely heavy, weighing 200-300 pounds, reinforced with steel legs, so that they remain standing. With glass eyes, false teeth and real hair, took the ideal of female mannequin large breasts and small waists, make life situations, how to give a toast at a dinner. The art of fashion merchandising was born.

influence of Hollywood. Until '20, had dummiesExpressions of wood, which is why they were called "dummies." In the era of silent films, but there was a greater emphasis on face and body. With the popularity of Hollywood movies purchased mannequins, features realistic and animated facial expressions that mirror those of famous stars like Mary Pickford and Rudolph Valentino. In order to complete his movie star looks, her in a letter of intent, were exposed as fictional situations with cocktails at the Country Club

TheGaba Girls. In the 30 years began mannequins are made with plaster, the weight is reduced by about twenty-five pounds. And thanks to a former soap factory, a sculptor Lester Gaba, reached a new level of realism. His life-size figures were used as the Gaba Girls, "the most famous of which was named Cynthia. Cynthia Gaba presented as the latest celebrity in New York, pop culture and the doll was a sensation. He took her to nightclubs and the opera, and Cartier and Tiffanyalso lent her jewelry.

World War II with the arrival of World War II, life changed. And so are dummies. Mannequins how careless people have been replaced with heavy, those no-nonsense. But when the troops back, dummies, the public sector in promoting the public to be happy again. The dummies woman wearing bright smile, while the men were relaxed and comfortable, both internal display, suburban bliss.

FiberglassPlastics. Since '50 he withdrew from mannequins, brittle, fragile plaster of fiberglass and plastic solid. Because production and sculpture were not yet refined, the new mannequins less realistic and takes an abstract quality. They actually celebrated surrealism, with molded hair and anatomical inaccuracies. The dummy was Pop Art.

The women of the revolution. In changing roles of women in the '60s began, mannequins representedthe shift. On the one hand there was the hostess (or would-be home), mannequins with bouffant look and hope. The other extreme was the active, confident women posing, casual and confident. The decade also gave us the mod look - lean, leggy mannequin figures by Twiggy embodied.

Real life. The 70s saw the introduction of Black, Asian and Latin models, that the growing ethnic mix in the country. The reflection of the turbulent decadeMannequins began with facial expressions of pain, anxiety and stress. In 80 years the country has lost "physical" and mannequins were followed by running and jumping poses.

Modern Day When it comes to dummies are now out of the old rules, and everything goes. Mannequins are different colors, crystal, without head, back and without any form of abstraction. In reality, the realistic figures of recent decades hour look very scary. There is no form "idealprobably because it is no longer a consensus on a vision of ideal beauty.

Although we know that mannequins, fashion design and have always been linked, it is fascinating to see what these "dummies" have shown us how the history of civilization and culture.

Source: http://fashiondollsreviews.blogspot.com/2010/08/history-of-mannequins-in-fashion-design.html

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