Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kindergarten Means...

The years my son was 3 and 4 were hard years. He was an easy baby and a reasonable 2 year old and I had gotten lulled into the idea that the Terrible Two's were a myth and that I had a pretty low maintenance kid.

The defiance, limit testing and stubbornness of 3 threw me for a loop, and even when I found out it was normal, I often felt like shouting, "Terrible Two's my ass! How come no one told me 3 was so much harder!!??"

4 was better, but coupled with my son's intense energy meant I was constantly exhausted, constantly trying to keep up.

It made me feel guilty, but I spent two years looking forward to kindergarten.

But then something funny happened--he turned 5. 4 took some time to wear off, but 5 turned out to be a pretty great age. We decided to wait a year, due to his one-day-past-the-cutoff birthday.

At 5, he still had plenty of energy, but was mature enough to funnel it into creative activities, and physically more capable as well (2-wheel bike riding burns a TON of energy). He's willing and helpful, funny and friendly, and a lot more reasonable with his demands and expectations.

Suddenly, with kindergarten looming, I'm sad.

I've been thinking lately that it's the fear of the unexpected that makes things harder. A Type A person like myself likes to be prepared. Giving birth to my second baby was easier because I knew what to expect, and breastfeeding was easier the second time around. But I've never sent a child off to kindergarten before, I don't know exactly what to expect, and the enormity of how big this transition will be for the whole family has me feeling a little anxious.

Kindergarten starts in a few weeks, on my son's 6th birthday.

Kindergarten means...

1--An earlier schedule. School starts at 8. We've spent the better part of 6 years not having to regularly be anywhere any earlier than 930. That means we need to implement an earlier bedtime and a strict morning routine, something we've never really had, to make sure he gets there on time.

Maureen, however, does not need to be at preschool until 915, so I'm wondering if it's possible to not wake her up in the morning since they share a bedroom.

2--More germs. We've been pretty healthy so far. In his almost 6 years, Johnny has had ONE vomit virus, a couple of colds every year, and one diarrhea virus. Last school year, he didn't miss any preschool. His 3 year old sister has had colds and one diarrhea virus and missed one day of preschool. We have not had strep, head lice, chicken pox, pink eye or the flu, but I'm dreading those types of illnesses coming home from kindergarten. Especially as I've heard they spread like wildfire through families.

3--Fundraising. Look, I know fundraising is a necessary evil, and I put in my time as a band member pestering the neighbors to buy subs or pizza or sponsor me for this or that. But ugh. Just UGH. I have mixed feelings about having kids sell overpriced crappo wrapping paper anyway, so hopefully the fundraisers will be something else.

4--One child at home with me. People keep mentioning how much extra time I'll have, but I still have a kid at home. She needs to be entertained. And she's also losing her main playmate and I'm sure she'll miss him. However, I AM looking forward to not listening to sibling bickering and fart jokes all day long.

5--Exposure to celebrities and pop culture--We don't have cable and I'm not a gossip mag fan, so the kids' exposure to all things Hollywood has been minimal. And since we have a cat that is part goat, I'm glad Silly Bandz have not made it into our house yet. But all that is coming. Goody.

School starts in just over 2 weeks. The uniforms are bought, the backpack filled with shiny new supplies (although I have not labeled them yet). He's ready. I'm not so sure I am though.


Source: http://greatwallsofbaltimore.blogspot.com/2010/08/kindergarten-means.html

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