Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Knowledge of the rules for air hockey tables

Why do you need Air Hockey table in your home? Here's why. If all gather for holidays or special occasion, you not only want to sit around the TV or spend the evening staring at their faces. And while some of the kids can enjoy viewing some sports on TV could make that choice, with sighs, shaking her head disapprovingly and women. Unfortunately, as often happens with these meetings is to go into all landsto find their own way and their entertainment, which defeats the purpose of the meet.

But the air hockey tables can fight, because literally fun for everyone! Because they require much skill, strength, speed, or anyone can play. Grandmothers, young children, even for people with special needs, can not play the types of arcade games or enjoy other competitive advantages can often be a game on air hockey tables.

Parents, children about their concernswith the violent sports like football do not have to worry about air hockey tables. The only thing I have pushed and pushed into these games with the puck. The likelihood of injury is slim to none.

All this requires Excel Air Hockey Game is an understanding of some basic rules of the game, which are described below:

• The basic idea of the game, the disc is on the table and pass the goal line the player. Every time youYou receive one point. The other player has ten seconds to serve the drive back to his opponent.

• All game lasts until someone earns 7 points. Many air hockey table is destined to win this kind of score and to minimize debates on issues of who he is.

• If you commit a foul, you immediately lose control of the puck. You fouled, when you move the mallet on top of the disk during the game or try to stop the puck in any way. This is calledTopping. When you touch the puck with his body or clothing, you can also get a foul. You can also, if not foul the puck not be reproduced for other players within seven seconds after crossing the center line in your part of the air hockey table.

• You can take one timeout per game. But time is up to ten seconds and can be taken only if the disk is about half of the other players at the table.

• You can wherever you are aboutYour half of the table, even on the sides. You can not have on the table and stay in the middle row of the opposing table. Of course, not standing at the sides much strategic sense because it makes your goals unguarded.

Now that you know some basic rules about the game, your next challenge is to invite all your friends and family for an exciting round of air hockey. You can also print these rules and living room, so that eachTables will know exactly how to play the game and will miss the fun, none can offer air hockey.


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