Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Laid back

Anne had a very smooth day today. She lounged around the house; read some of her book; took a nap (or two) and there was no pain or nausea to ruin it! Got to enjoy it while you can, these days.

I've received confirmation from Cheez and Dan that they've booked their flight to come and see Anne on October 16th. The price looks good for traveling 3/4 the way across the country! But, that's one of the benifits of getting them well in advance. We're looking forward to seeing them!

No movie tonight as I finished up getting the computers ready for Anne's online class.

Peace, Love, Happiness to you all!

Don and Anne

Source: http://dpeer2000.blogspot.com/2010/08/anne-had-very-smooth-day-today.html

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