Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mandy Tan

Hello! My name is Mandy. I'm a Spitz dog. My family calls me either Mandy, Andy or Di Di and occasionally my sister calls me Darling. I was born in year 2000, July and just celebrated my 10th birthday last month.

I'm a food lover, intelligent, cute, pretty, loving, obedient and etc dog. But sometimes I just love to get my sister, brother and mom's nerve by ignoring them when they call. Because the only thing they ask me to do is "come, sit, give me your hand, down, sleep, up", just because I'm a dog, I have to do all these things, freaking annoying! How I wish I can make them to do all I'm doing and feel the way I felt. However, if there is food, I'm happy to do it. I'll do anything, even if told not to be in the house for one week, but make sure to give me food all the time. *wink* The only person that I listen and follow all the time is my father, if not he won't be happy and you won't like when he's not happy. I'm the only one in the family that can cheer him up, all I need to do is to show my most pitiful face, like I have been ignored for ages or not fed for one month and he'll fall for it. *smile*

I got a secret to tell. I've been dating a guy across the street for quite sometime. He always drop by when he goes for a walk. Shhhh...don't tell my family or they'll ban us from seeing each other. I like him, as he is huge and I felt safe. But the only bad habit that he has is he love to pee at the gate of my house which makes my brother dislike him the more and it break my heart seeing my brother sprayed water at him the last time he was here. Oh...my poor honey...please stop peeing at my gate..love you...

Another thing that I love to do when I'm free is to camwhore. Nowadays, I'll try to take as many pictures as I can so that my family will remember me If I were to go. I don't know how much time I have, as I'm already an old dog, therefore I'm enjoying my life as much as possible and doing things that I love. Okay, I'm sharing my beautiful, lovely self pictures.

I'm just pretending to be a good dog.

Ooppss...sorry about my legs. I'm a girl, have to be feminine. But I like it that way. Hope you guys like my pictures. I'm a photogenic dog, right? I should be a model!

Source: http://mabelinetan.blogspot.com/2010/08/mandy-tan.html

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