Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mike Eaton Room Dedication at the Historical Society of Carroll County – Sunday, August 22, 2010 Noon To 4 P.M

Mike Eaton remembered: Mike Eaton Room Dedication at the Historical Society of Carroll County – Sunday, August 22, 2010 Noon To 4 P.M.  For further information, call Timmi Pierce, Executive Director, Historical Society of Carroll County at 410-848-6494.

My wife, Caroline Babylon, and I are working with the Historical Society of Carroll County to create a lasting memorial to Mike Eaton. 

In that effort, I have created a Facebook page for Mr. Eaton that may be found here: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=204&uid=149464621731513#!/group.php?gid=149464621731513&v=wall

I've published three articles on Mr. Eaton: 

DAYHOFF: 'Mike' Eaton Room is fitting addition at historical society


Published August 14, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle

... . For more information, contact Timmi Pierce, the executive director of the Historical Society, at 410-848-6494. When he is not busy sharing Mr. Eaton memories, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached atkevindayhoff@gmail.com. Photo of Mike Eaton by Kevin Dayhoff. ...

DAYHOFF: Mike Eaton Room to be dedicated at the Historical Society of Carroll County on Aug. 22 http://www.explorecarroll.com/opinion/4621/dayhoff-mike-eaton-room-be-dedicated-historical-society-carroll-county-aug-22/

Published August 16, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle

Most folks in Carroll County have “indubitably” heard of William Granville “Mike” Eaton at some point in their life.“Well, I do declare,” if you are not familiar with Eaton or his extensive legacy in our community, “this too shall pass,” as I will, may “God help ... ...

Kevin E. Dayhoff  Almost everyone can reminisce back to the days of their youth and recall the influence of a favorite childhood teacher. For me, I loved school and I have a number of favorite teachers; however, the first among many may very well be my 12th-grade English teacher, William Granville (“Mike”) Eaton.  


Mike Eaton Room to be dedicated at the Historical Society of Carroll County on Sunday, August 22, Noon to 4 P.M.

All students, friends, and colleagues of Mike Eaton are invited to attend a special, progressive event in Cockey’s, 216 East Main Street in Westminster on Sunday, August 22.

There is no charge for attendance but donations will be encouraged.

Attendees should be prepared to share stories and photos and/or to be taped for a “Mike Remembered” DVD to be produced by the Community Media Center.



Doors open at Cockey’s


Catering throughout the day by Bud’s at Silver Run courtesy of Evelyn Babylon


Music throughout the day by Herb Sell


Continuous showing of Mike’s American Heart Association Roast.

Taping of memories from attendees by Jim Mayola of the Community Media Center for “Mike Remembered” DVD throughout the event


1 PM

Greetings and remembrance by Dr. Chuck Ecker

Presentation of Mike’s dictionary stand and dictionary by B. Delores Wardenfelt

Sharing of photos and other memories

2 PM

Greetings and remembrance by Donna Sellman

Ribbon cutting at the Mike Eaton Room by Jim Head

Presentation of bed on loan by Doug Manger

Presentation of Mike’s diplomas and recognition plaques by the Babylon Family

Other sharings

3 PM

Greetings and remembrances by Mo Dutterer

Presentation of “The Nude” by Evelyn Babylon

Video reviews


Evelyn Babylon, Chair

Timmi Pierce, Staff

Steering Committee

Caroline Babylon

Glenn Bair

Dr. Chuck Ecker

Jim Head

Ober Herr

Brian Lockard

Doug Manger

Jim Mayola

Bob Seeley

Alvie Spencer

Doug Velnoskey

For further information, call Timmi Pierce, Executive Director, Historical Society of Carroll County at 410-848-6494.

[20100822 M Eaton Dedication at HSCC]

See also: Historical Society of Carroll County Announces the Creation of a Lasting Memorial to William Granville (“Mike”) Eaton


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: http://www.kevindayhoff.net/ Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://www.kevindayhoffart.com/

My http://www.explorecarroll.com/ columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: https://subscribe.baltsun.com/Circulation/

Source: http://kevindayhoffwestgov-net.blogspot.com/2010/08/mike-eaton-room-dedication-at.html

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