Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Changed new song in my blog .. any comment ???

Having 2 exam paper today which is Bahasa Melayu and also History. Seriously , i have never read so much book before . I woke up at 4.30am since i have slept so much yesterday and i open up my history and start my revision . Woot , sounds so hardworking ....

For my bahasa melayu , i had quite disappoint because in the Part D , i should write the first character and i have wrote the third character and teacher told me that was wrong even i had wrote the whole page .... SO sad ....

Invited my classmate to having lunch after school at Wong Kok since we have a FREE Big drink but sounds like no one want to go ..... Nevermind , since i have not so expect about my birthday this year , seriously , dont know why ....

Kenneth and vincent decide to go Wong Kok after school 2mr with joey and also Pei Nie . But joey said that she have to take chinese paper after school ... *Too bad * so i think i have to cancel about 2mr ....

Feeling nothing now , and keep listening my blog song - Big Big World ....

I m thinking of you now ... How about you ?

Source: http://samgoo0819.blogspot.com/2010/08/normally.html

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