Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Precious Metals- A Solid Investment

Lloyd’s Asset Management, in yet another example of leading the industry in an effort to take the integrity and professionalism to an entirely new level, has just completed the newly introduced requirements set forth by the regulatory agencies that oversee the precious metals industry at this crucial time that we believe is quickly proving to be the largest precious metals bull market in human history.

Precious Metals. A Solid Investment.
Quote start"Over the last approximately 25 years the average American has had an overwhelming gut feeling their income has not kept pace with the constantly increasing price inflation in such purchases as the price of housing, food, vehicles and college tuition."Quote end

The Federal regulators have now purged the precious metals industry nationwide of the establishments that were not actually dealing with physical metals at all, even though they were presenting their programs as if they were. These organizations often times could be identified as those who offered a 10-15% commissions with unlimited trading deals as gimmicks. What these firms were doing was actually dealing with OTC (over the counter) forward contracts and charging their respective clients interest for something they never owned. This is obviously not legal and very deceiving, the industry is better off not having these types of business practices allowed to continue.

Lloyd’s Asset management is proud to announce that we not only have emerged with a clean bill of health as expected but that we are one of only a few precious metals dealers with in the contiguous U.S. that stores our client’s precious metals and offers a 72 hour delivery guarantee to their door via an insured delivery method.
In this period of financial instability, the likes of which the modern world has never seen, precious metals investing has proven to be a beacon of light in a sea of darkness for average Americans who’s only concern is the ability to maintain their piece of the “American Dream” that seems to slip farther and farther away as each day goes by.

For the average American the data we are bombarded with daily is concerning and confusing. Over the last approximately 25 years the average American has had an overwhelming gut feeling their income has not kept pace with the constantly increasing price inflation in such purchases as the price of housing, food, vehicles, and college tuition. On top of this the data suggests that the average American retirement portfolio lost approximately 46% of its value since the 4th quarter of 2008. There is a painfully obvious hole for the average teacher, factory worker and fire fighter to dig his or her way out of.

This is where Lloyd’s Asset Management’s precious metals investment tools potentially become the anchor we all need in order to navigate the rough seas we all must endure in this current economic uncertainty. History proves, time and time again, during periods of economic uncertainty the price of gold and silver increase considerably as more and more citizens exit riskier markets seeking safe haven investments. History shows that these precious metals price adjustments usually prove to be swift and strong often times triggered by the release of less than encouraging economic data such as jobs, consumer spending and real estate data.

Knowing that investor’s needs and wants vary as wide as the diversity of our nation itself, Lloyd’s Asset Management offers a wide variety of precious metals investing tools to satisfy each and every need of the wide range of investors that make up our family of clients.

This offering includes the standard out right conversion of a declining value paper currency into gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion that can be delivered in 72 hours to your door step (this is one of the fastest delivery guarantees in the industry) via an insured shipping service of your choice in a very discrete packaging. If taking delivery is not of interest to you, the metal can be stored at a bonded and insured depository of your choice from our extensive list of very qualified establishments.

For the more advanced investor and those that realize that we all have to make up for lost time and money, Lloyd’s Asset Management offers a very strategic and conservative leveraged program. This allows our clients to utilize our very successful recommendations, as documented by many of the top cornerstone publications in the industry, to control up to 3 times the metal they had the funds to control initially, affording them the opportunity to cover more ground in a shorter period of time.
While controlling the larger amount of the metals of your choice, clients can take greater profits while the metals adjust upward in price to offset the amount of fear and instability the increased amount of newly printed cash in circulation as a result of “stimulus spending” has created.

Finally, for those currently in or soon to enter their “Golden Years” of retirement, Lloyd’s offers a refuge from stock based IRAs by offering an IRA rollover program into physical bullion for the more conservative investor out there. As you can see, Lloyd’s Asset Management has a variety of tools to aid you in the rebuilding of your retirement portfolio.

Lloyd’s Asset Management salutes the regulatory agencies and their recent policy changes they have enacted in an effort to encourage the precious metals industry to constantly strive for better products and quality to the customer as we move forward. We look forward to working closely with these regulatory agencies to constantly raise the bar in our industry. We also look forward to working with each and every current client, as well as future clients, to increase the stability of their current investment portfolios by providing a much needed hedge to dollar, bond and stock market weakness.

We look forward to meeting with you and discussing your investment needs both present and future in this ever changing economic environment. As a leader in the realm of private and individual precious metals investing we have a full team of professionals waiting to help you find the right sized anchor to steady your ship in the rough seas that lie ahead.

The Elemental Economist
Jim Purnell
Lloyd’s Asset Management
Toll free 1.877.571.0859

Source: http://goldgem.blogspot.com/2010/08/precious-metals-solid-investment.html

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