Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The real U.S. foreign policy.

The apparent U.S. foreign policy isn’t the real one.

Nope. This is:

No study of Europe’s subjection to transatlantic elites would be complete without mentioning the use of Muslims to further divide and demoralize its peoples. For the past 30 years, beginning with covert U.S. support to the Afghan mujahideen, Washington has courted Islamic power as a vehicle of influence in Eurasia, and Europe is no exception in this regard. Through the course the 1990s NATO bombarded Serbs and introduced peacekeeping troops into the Balkans to create Muslim states Bosnia and Kosovo on the carcass of Tito’s Yugoslavia.

To locate the real U.S. foreign policy you’ve got to go down in the basement at midnight with a flashlight and a can of luminescent spray paint. If you lock the door to the kitchen and bring enough cans of paint you can go to work and pretty soon you’ll be able to see that ghostly apparition well enough. Once you do, it becomes clear why Bush hopped into his dressing gown and slippers and sprinted over to the Muslim version of OKW the morning after 9/11.

Yes, it does.

Mr. Hackard takes note of the bizarre phenomenon of “immigrants from wildly incompatible cultures like those of Pakistan or Morocco” and the counter intuitive “social chaos, insolvency and spiritual collapse that the liberal order brings.” On the latter point, whatever my prof in Western Civ. 101 said a half a lifetime ago, he sure didn’t make out that the West was host to any kind of a cancer like that.

But it was.

Huge numbers of very smart and educated people were infected with a brain-eating disease that made them see in totalitarianism’s march through the last century not horror, not poverty, and not human degradation but rather the sweet siren song of man’s liberation at the hands of the enlightened elite (as in guess who). Betraying the true liberal order of genuine freedom was but a small transgression in the service of that goal of liberation.

That same disease operates at this very hour to deny the degradation, backwardness, and destruction of the soul built into Islam. As a direct result, outwardly non-idiotic kuffar treat Muslims like they invented CinemaScope, the toaster oven, and Ginzu Knives all in the time of Shakespeare.

Maybe Mao was onto something when he sent the intellectuals "down to the country."

"The Rape of Europa. How the West is Overrun." By Mark Hackard, Alternative Right, 7/22/10 (emphasis added; link omitted). H/t: "Make way for your replacement population." By Elizabeth Wright, Issues and Views, 7/29/10.

Source: http://igst.blogspot.com/2010/08/real-us-foreign-policy.html

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