Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Remove Cellulite At Home ?


Cellulite is a very common problem especially among women. There are several cellulite reducing creams and gels available in the market but most of them are not as effective as they claim to be. Instead of banking on these commercial products you can start tackling your cellulite problem with some home remedies. If these don’t work you can turn to a doctor for help.

Cellulite is one factor that has been plaguing many people of late. Cellulite is the fat deposition that results in dimpled appearance on the abdomen, legs and the pelvic region. There are many kinds of treatment for cellulite but the best cellulite treatment has always remained elusive. There are several creams, gels and liquids you can buy off the shelf and they claim to give you the best results but more often than not they prove to be otherwise. So what can you do if you want to rid yourself of the ugly cellulite deposition?

Start Tackling You Fatty Problem At Home
It may seem unbelievable but you can get the best cellulite treatment within the realms of your house itself. Don't be surprised, it is true. You can start tackling you fatty problem at home. So what exactly do you have to do? You can start by massaging the affected area. This will reduce the appearance of cellulite. If you want better results quickly you can try massaging the area with a soft bristled brush. Massage the area for about ten minutes daily. If you are not satisfied you can try cellulite treatment with coffee scrub. All the cellulite treatments that you get from the store contain caffeine as a very important and major ingredient and therefore it is a great option for home remedy against cellulite.

Coffee and Exercise
So how will you use coffee to get the best cellulite treatment at home? You have to take two cups of caffeinated coffee and have a warm shower. Rub the grounded coffee in circular motions on the affected area slowly and gently. This will give you tremendous results and your cellulite will melt away in a matter of days. Another home remedy that you can take recourse to if you want to shed your cellulite is a regular exercise regime. Start off slowly and then gradually try to increase your exercise level. Following a healthy diet will also help.

What If You Are Not Satisfied With The Results?
Are you not satisfied with the results of best cellulite treatment at home? Then you can opt for the medical treatments available. The most common treatment involves the use of a vacuum device that has a suction to lift the soft tissues of your skin and stabilize them temporarily. The double rollers will give you comforting, deep subdermal massages. This massage usually stretches the fat and tissue and this improves the appearance of the cellulite but you need to keep in mind this is a temporary treatment and if you want to get satisfactory results you will need to get the treatment done on a regular basis.


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