Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 18th August

Outside My Window ... a mix of blue sky and white cloud. A definite autumn chill creeping into the nights now.

I am thinking ... that if I keep on at this rate (Friday meme on Saturday, Monday meme on Wednesday ... ) I shall end up a full week behind and catch up with myself. Sort of. My excuse is that I have been tied up doing some overflow work for Tevye's office, where they are crazy busy.

From the learning rooms ... if I don't get some successful school shopping done with Angel, she will be going back to school barefoot and with trousers in rags.

I am thankful ... for summer with my gorgeous girls.

From the kitchen ... chicken in mushroom sauce tonight, I think.

I am wearing ... black and grey pjs and a blue dressing gown. No rush to get showered and dressed as it is still holiday time.

I am creating ... I have been whizzing through this Little Summer Dress for Cherub (just embroidered daisies and sewing in of ends to go), and still have some Horcrux socks on the go for Angel. Next priority is some bedsocks for my Mum's birthday next month, and I'm thinking of adding a matching shawl for Christmas.

I am going ... to Spain! We booked a holiday for next August, taking advantage of a free child offer for Cherub while we could. I have never been to Spain, and Tevye went to Majorca about 30 years ago, but has never been to the mainland. We will be staying by the beach on the Costa Dorada, between Tarragona and Salou. Near enough for a day trip to Barcelona, which is a city I have longed to visit since seeing it through Lissa's eyes a couple of years ago.

I am reading ... local history. A book of recollections of childhood and schooldays in the early 20th century.

I am hoping ... Apple can work some magic on my iMac tomorrow.

I am hearing ... Cherub complaining that neither of the big girls are up, and she needs one of them to be her ballet teacher!

Around the house ... stuff. I haven't manage to get rid of much this month. Must. Do. Better.

One of my favorite things ... lazy summer mornings.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Monday - took Tevye to the hospital for a routine eye appointment (they give him blurry drops, so he can't drive himself home); Tuesday - record office; Wednesday - Star is planning a camp out with friends (can I remember how to put up the tent?); Thursday - playdate for Cherub in the morning, school shopping trip with Angel in the afternoon, combined with taking the iMac to the Apple store; Friday - taking Star and Cherub to the Science Museum in London; Saturday - free?; Sunday - substitute organist again (must not forget!)

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... more Cherub Art - Hello Kitty, on her birthday, with a chocolate caterpillar birthday cake (just like Cherub's!)

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

Source: http://ukbookworm.blogspot.com/2010/08/simple-womans-daybook-18th-august.html

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