Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What makes you qualify to teach social media?

Texting on a keyboard phoneImage via Wikipedia

Day Thirty Two,

The pimply looking woman kept padding her head as she walked towards Buzzwordy.  She had this ghastly look and jittery move that made everyone in the class felt uncomfortable.

"May I get your name?" asked Buzzwordy as he welcomed the woman to the front of the class.

"Yes my name is Deeva and everyone calls me Diva with the "i"!" murmured the nervous woman.

"Wonderful Diva, it is great to meet you.  I just thought of a social media game that you and I can play.  It is going to be really fun and I know that everyone in this class will enjoy it." reassured Buzzwordy.

"For Pete's sake, please get started ASAP!" demanded Professor Sandie.

"Right!" concurred Buzzwordy.

"Diva, if you take the Internet out, what types of social media tool do you currently use to stay in touch with your friends and family?" asked Buzzwordy.

"Gee I don't know!  How about the phone?" replied Diva.

"Excellent Diva!  So the phone is it!  As you know, there are so many types of phone in the market today.  We have the basic phones, phones that you can do text messaging with, phones that will allow you to send and receive emails, and surf the web.  The choices are boundless.  If we take the Internet out of the picture, the only social media tool that we have will just be the basic phone.  Do you agree?" asked Buzzwordy.

"Interesting!  Are you trying to tell my class that we have been involved with this social media phenomena ever since the phone was born?" inquired the curious professor.

"It really depends on your POV (point of view).  Professor, if you don't mind, I prefer to play this game with Diva instead!" replied Buzzwordy.

"Alright, go right ahead!" smirked Professor Sandie.

Diva was motionless and not sure what to do next.  She continued to pad her head gently while staring ferociously at Buzzwordy.  The rest of the class were still in its dead silence mode.

"Diva, I think you and I both agree that the phone is essentially a social media platform that is mobile and can be leveraged as a communication tool to reach out to people.  My first question to you is this: how scalable can a phone be?".  If you disagree with my statement, please provide your reasons!" stated Buzzwordy.

"I cannot imagine using a phone to reach out to millions of people.  It definitely has its limitation.  I think even with a phone that can support multi-party voice conferencing, its reach is still limited.  One thing that I agree with you is that a phone is an essential communication tool." said Diva.

"Bravo Diva, not a bad answer at all!  In other words, we do have a basic but very limited social media tool that is both hardware and software poor if you go by today's standard.  Now, lets go one notch higher with our hypothesis.  What defines social media?" interrogated Buzzwordy.

"Please do not use the word "Hypothesis" in my class!  This is my territory!" shouted Professor Sandie.

Buzzwordy did not bother to respond to the professor.  He paused for a moment to synthesize his thoughts before turning his attention back to Diva.

"As the professor wishes, I will drop the word "Hypothesis" from our game here.  Diva, so what defines social media?" probed Buzzwordy.

"Gee, I don't know!  Does it have to do with building communities up or getting the communities involved in some big social trending things?" queried Diva.

"Possible Diva, however, the possibilities are boundless because any topic can be considered as a candidate for social change and as we all know, a medium is simply a vehicle for reaching out to people.  As long as the method is legal, anything is possible!" replied Buzzwordy.

"Listen up, Mr. Marketing Stiff!  You only have less than 5 minutes to finish up your game.  I do have one question for you: "what makes you qualified to teach social media?".  I would like to hear your answer!" snarled Professor Sandie.

Diva started to giggle and Buzzwordy could tell that everyone in that class wanted him to fail in answering to the professor.  He raised his head and looked straight into the professor's eyes.

I'll be back on Day Thirty Three.


Note from Buzzwordy

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