Sunday, September 25, 2011

!8!# 10 Fireplace Smoking Problems and Solutions | !8: Prices ...


!±8± 10 Fireplace Smoking Problems and Solutions

There is nothing worse than coming to a busy day and when I finally have a decent fire going, you get all that smoke in the room. Burning eyes and lungs, and you end up having to open doors and windows, letting in cold air to the room air. This smell is in all tissues in the house and clothes, and seems to take forever to get rid of it.

Many of the problems common to deal with the smoke that a fire must beships with a large amount of makeup air as one of its three most important elements and the need to obtain a sufficient opening, have the chimney to the outside from the exhaust gases from the smoke and gases, so they do not come back into the room. Here is a list of the top ten causes and possible solutions, for it is that the problem with smoke.

1) Have the chimney dirty or blocked chimney inspected and certified by a qualified chimney so the chimney can be sweptchecked all the obstacles like a bird's nest or branches, or your child is missing volleyball. In addition, a dirty chimney smoke free to leave the chimney to prevent.

2) shutter closed in front of a fire, always make sure that the damper is fully open. If you are not sure, shine a flashlight down the chimney to see if the metal plate damper is open or closed.

3) Cut firewood fuel must be at least 1 year of age. It should be kept dry andprotected from rain. If the protocol is greater than about 6 "in diameter, should be divided so that it can burn efficiently. In addition, some types of ready-made" paper "wrapped logs may be susceptible to smoking.

4) The grid positioning grid is where, instead of wood in the combustion chamber and has, since the combustion chamber as possible, up against the back wall to create a good project. Sometimes it is necessary to help with the building blocks to increase the rust. Thismore air under the grate for better circulation and also raises the height of the fire.

5) built on top of a chimney is not large scale, many times its own fireplace opening is too large or too high, especially in relation to the size of the flue. The choice to smoke can pass through the chimney in the room. The problem could be solved by a metal smoke guards at the top of the fireplace opening, as it reduces the size of the opening. In addition, many two-sided fireplacesSmoking problems because of their sensitivity to air currents in the house. In this case, you might consider installing glass doors. One more thing, if the fireplace must not be high enough, you can extend the height of the chimney to improve the draw.

6) Cold Weather As the weather gets colder it is outside the house and / or raining, the air in the chimney is cold and hard and block the exhaust smoke. In this case it helps, 'prime' theRoll up a newspaper and fireplace to keep the lights, then take the lit end near the door fireplace in the room for a minute or two to heat the heavy air in the chimney. Then you can start a fire, and ideally should have a good project.

7) The house, near a ravine or Hillside-If the house is located near a hillside ravine, or slope, can have problems with smoke caused by wind currents and downdrafts. The air is pushed through the chimney into the room. Many times a specialChimney cap wind around this problem, since the top is like a weather vane and the rear of the shell creates a barrier in the path of the wind.

8) central heating system if the heating is turned on, you will draw from the chimney, causing the loss of a problem smoking. This is because the central air furnace is so strong that even when the intake air is not for the central heating system in the same room with the fireplace, which will blow outside air through the chimneywill cause the fireplace to smoke when the fire goes out. Do not run the heater when the fireplace is in use!

9) Why did air pressure differential of the houses are built much tighter than it is, the air pressure inside the house may be different from the outside of the house and do not allow to take adequate air through the fireplace and the fire is not an appropriate make-up air. This occurs even if a house has been equipped with new, more stringent windows and doors. To minimize thesmoke problem, crack open a window or a door (preferably on the same level as the fireplace) in the room.

10) Tall Trees and the construction of a large tree or built second account (yours or your neighbors) may be in the vicinity of the chimney are changing, the currents of wind and air currents due to come down the chimney and cause not only a problem of smoking but maybe a problem of smell. Keep trees pruned! Problem With the second story, the solution is to increase the chimneyHeight, but in some cases, the cap could wind instead of helping.

This at least hit the highlights of what could be the problem with regard to the nagging problem of smoking. There are other possible reasons for this problem, so if after the corrective actions presented here do not worry, the best advice might be that I made a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep in your area contact to work out off. Good luck!

10 Fireplace Smoking Problems and Solutions

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