Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm doing a canning section In hopes that I will learn some more canning tips and recipes. That means (if you can)that I would love for you to share some of the things you can in the summer! I will also can a few things this summer and try to share them with you or just post recipes of stuff I've canned in the past. I can mostly give Thanks to my hubby for this section, he is the one that does the canning, I just help and do what he tells me to! I did do the pickles though, with my mom...

I have to Thank my friend Angela J. for this and hopefully she won't mind that I shared! These are the best pickles I've tasted in a long time. Even my kids down these. I had to have store pickles the other day and about gaged. It's just not the same

Brine: 1 gal water, 1 qt vinegar, 1C salt. Bring to a boil
Fill Clean bottling jars with sprigs of dill (fresh is the best) and plenty of garlic cloves (6-7 in each jar). Then fill with cucumbers. Fill with boiling brine. leaving 1/2 inch space at top. Clean tops of jar and top with hot lids and secure with rings. Hot bath in full rolling boil water for 5 min. Let seal and then store for a few months to letthe pickles get the yummy garlic flavor.

You can also do Green beans with this same recipe.


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