Monday, January 31, 2011

Under Ground

>I found this very well done Tube/Underground/Subway/Metro App for IPhone and IPad some time ago. Really helpful not only for New-comers and Tourists.London Tube DeluxYou can plan your journey by tapping your start and destination on the map or by...
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Café George V Au Paris

id='post-body-6542181506188491756'>120 Avenue Champs Elysees, 75008 Paris, France. Tel: husband and I were finally able to save enough money to fulfill my lifelong dream of visiting Paris. As a little girl  I would watch the movie Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn or the latest version with, Julia Ormond and  as they would...
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J Square Tech: Guide step-by-step:How To Enable iOS 4.2 AirPrint ...

id='post-body-5247620560104667881'> You should be aware that AirPrint, the wireless printing technology that has been introduced with the latest version of iOS, was originally intended to work over shared printers connected to Mac and Windows...
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Busy Spell's Blog: YouTube Guitar Lessons

id='post-body-7985540154614755692'>YouTube Guitar LessonsOriginally uploaded by akasha140This picture shows a common theme around our house: using the web to learn just about anything. Here my eldest is watching a You Tube video to learn the figure...
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

J Square Tech: Windows 8 setup screenshot hints at forthcoming leak

id='post-body-6120328951511473086'>Windows 8A leaked screenshot of an upgrade edition of Windows 8 may hint at a forthcoming leak.Notorious company insider Zukona unveiled screenshots of an upgrade copy of Windows 8 on Thursday. Although the screenshots...
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Budget Survey Results

>Did having a budget survey done matter? On the face of it, no, it did not.I say that because (1) it has not been referenced by staff at all during any budget talks except that it occurred, (2) there is no analysis of the specific questions and (3) the comments section was not broken down at all.However, I'll do it if only to let the Board...
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Monday, January 17, 2011


id='post-body-4231454386183858087'> Overview The Good :. Speedy processor performance, stylish design, the LG adds a nice custom UI for the duration of visual touches Android Bad : Pre-loaded with many of the carrier “bloatware” data transmission...
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Sunday, January 9, 2011


id='post-body-315508910827657194'>It's 5:30am* and I can't sleep. My sleeping cycle is so messed up.After arriving to Gare due Nord I hopped on the metro. It was a bit of an ordeal because of my huge suitcase. I felt a little dumb, but have plenty...
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