Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Black Apple Memoirs: Entry 1

Uploaded December 31, 2009 by GFCNY's youtube channel. Mickey Factz & Stalley take a visit to DD172/The Dojo. Curren$y recorded his part for "Scaling the Building" and Wiz Khalifa spits his later in the video. They reworked it for timing issues.

Anyways Dame Dash is there. So is Mickey Factz, Stalley, Wiz Khalifa and Curren$y. He speaks knowledge to everyone, then Mickey Factz spits some sick bars over "Scaling The Building". Stalley recites "Slim's Return" off his mixtape. It's great to see that Mick was around the making of 24 Hour Karate School. If you haven't seen this yet, your in for a treat!


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