Friday, August 27, 2010

Career Planning Teens - Tips For Students to Find a Career That Fits

There's no truth to the statement that only adults plan careers. Even as early as now, you can already dream up and plan the future you want to have and the career path you wish to take. Here are a few hassles-free and even fun tips to help you start:

1. Experiment, experience. There is no better teacher than experience, so they say. Look for chances to experience the world of work, be it in an office or at a fast food chain. Take advantage of free summer classes on handicrafts, woodworks or even dance. Try out a summer job at a fast food chain or openings at government agencies for student assistants. This will not only teach you skills but also help you gauge the possibilities you have in a job. Get a taste of what it's like in an assortment of careers and see which ones you like.
2. Play on your strengths. So what if you can't solve a trigonometry problem in two minutes? You can make virtually any plant grow in your backyard! It's easy to find your flaws when comparing yourself to someone else. But what about the things you can actually do, and do well, too? If you know where you are good at, find ways to further hone your skills. Don't pass up on opportunities to showcase you abilities. Join a contest in school or even teach other people what you know. You will find yourself growing more confident and better at it, too.
3. Create a vision board. At your age, planning the future may seem daunting. Vision, on the other hand, sounds more fun. Recycle a cardboard box by pasting your dream house or dream car on it. Draw a paycheck with the amount you plan to earn. Do a montage of your picture and the workplace you want to be in. Prop this up in your room or hang on the wall. This will serve as a reminder of what your aspirations are and guide you as you make educational and career decisions.
4. Search for career information online. While you're checking on your Facebook, Multiply and MySpace accounts, take the time to research on your career prospects. Is there certificate program for painting? Is there a technical-vocational school near where you live? You can also check job opportunities and requirements. If you do this regularly, you'll get a hang of industry trends even without your Economics teacher explaining.

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