Wednesday, August 25, 2010


There are few inventions ever made that a mother hates, I mean HATE with the capital Hof the word.  Oh sure, Silly Bands, they are up there, but there is one that is our children's first taste into what HELL was like!  Honestly, whoever invented this probably made a deal with the devil on this one!

The machine is THE CLAW, that game in the arcade that has the metal pinchers that follow where the user guides them fall down into a plethora of-----bling, stuffed animals, wii games, wallets, gold rings, gold bars, whatever it is but NEVER comes up with anything!  Wait, I correct myself, the first time your child plays they win something, creating the PERFECT addiction!  (Didn't the devil say something about temptation?)  They know it can be done, so if it takes 26 dollars and 75 cents to get that Pink stuffed octopus which the machine drops RIGHT before it goes down the golden shoot into their hot little hands.  This tragedy is followed by the child looking at parent with pleading eyes, and another "Just 4,573 more quarters Mommy."

Typical joyful experience at the game room with my angels:
"Mom, can we play games?'
"Yes, here's 500 dollars each, be careful,"

a total of 5 minutes go by....

"Mom, can I have more money?
"What?  What happened to the $500 I gave you?"

"I played the CLAW, but this time I know it, I can WIN EVERY TIME!"

"The wallet's empty."

Then the claw crying begins, it's the crying and whining that they didn't win, which moves into the crying and whining for more money when you've already left a mortgage payment behind.  Blood plasma selling anyone?

They watch you put the magic card into the ATM and it makes more money for the claw.  Just when you have them convinced to give up, the CLAW pulls out the BIG guns!  For some strange moment the wii game that was buried under the stuffed animals all of a sudden is visible!  This prompts that begging for more money because, "This time they'll win, they just know it!"  One child finally gave up and crawled into the machine for that MAGICAL stuff animal!

Why is the Claw hell?   I think it's a great way for God getting us to want to let our children go! What does the CLAW mean in YOUR life?


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