Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ok, I'll Admit It

I had another migraine today so this makes it Day #2 that I've been stuck in the house. I miss taking my afternoon walks with the baby, but I realize that it will pass and its only a matter of time before I feel better. My husband likes playing on his PS3 whenever he can find the time and recently picked up an arcade control for a Street Fighter game. He would probably get embarassed that I'm telling you this, but its a guilty pleasure of his, and I'm okay with it. But I guess it can come across as a little nerdy if you didn't know my husband, who is anything but. I watched him play and wasn't particularly interested at the time, but today, oh today it was different. I had this strange desire to pick up the arcade control and start I did. If you could have only seen me and how into this Street Fighter game, you would probably laugh. It just looked like so much fun and my options for entertainment were slim to none. I played for about twenty minutes to get the itch out of my system, and I'm not so sure when or if I will play again...but it was fun while it lasted.


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