Monday, August 2, 2010



So, just my luck... I have a cold.  I woke up yesterday morning feeling like my sinuses were draining.  And it just got worse through out the day.  As a stay at home mommy, having a cold or not feeling good is the worst... I mean it is bad enough that I am not sleeping through the night, and then trying to function with a cold on top of that, is such a pain in the butt!  My mom had a little cold, and then Kynlee had a runny nose... but mine feels like sinuses... I don't think sinuses are contagious so maybe it is just a coincidence that we all got colds around the same time.  But nevertheless, I refuse to kiss my husband... he is such a big baby when he is sick LOL I just hate being sick when I feel like there is so much to do.  We have been very lucky when it comes to Kynlee.  She has barely had a cold at all.  

I guess you could call us germaphobs... not so much Cody, but me and my mom are guilty.  Back in 2007, I got very sick.  I was sick for 3 weeks before I even made a Doctor appointment.  I guess when you don't have insurance, you're not as quick to make an appointment as maybe you should be.  But it seemed like everyday I got worse... so much so that I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't breath, could barely talk, I couldn't even take a shower unless Cody was home because I would feel like I was going to pass out, and anything that required even the slightest bit of energy was out of the question.  My mom, being concerned, sent me some money to go to the doctor, where I later found out that, what I thought was just the flu, turned out to be severe pneumonia.  The doctor told me that he hadn't seen a case so bad in over 15 years, and that he had seen people die with much less of a case... so things were not looking good for me and I was terrified!  I was admitted into the hospital for a week.  That was probably the scariest thing I have ever had to go through... I was newly married, and hadn't even begun to live my life yet, there was so much that I wanted to do, and here I had this doctor telling me that there was a good possibility that the infection was too deep and that I may not make it.  I prayed every day that I was in that hospital... obviously I recovered.  But needless to say, I am very careful.  Always washing my hands, carrying disinfectant with me every where, keeping disinfectant wipes in Kynlee's bag... etc... I always wipe down the shopping cart, restaurant high chairs, restaurant tables, and anything else that might need to be disinfected.  And I really do think it has helped.  Kynlee has only had probably one real cold, and a little bit of a stomach bug, both lasting only a day or two.  So we have been very very lucky.  And I, myself, have been lucky as well, until now that is, I can't remember the last time I had a cold.  But I tell you what... mommy could really use a babysitter right about now... Peace and love to all!

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