Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Avi's Blog: Install Windows 8 with USB drive


After Windows 8 build 7850 leak , we have unveiled lots of new features of Windows 8. But to experience it you may want to download Windows 8 and install it on your machines.

im1 thumb Install Windows 8 with USB drive

Now Select USB device to make a boot-able drive.
im2 thumb Install Windows 8 with USB driveNow you may select the USB drive where you wish to install Windows 8 and start copying 8 install Install Windows 8 with USB driveNow just sit back and relax while complete Windows 8 ISO is being copied. Once its done you may just need to restart , choose USB device in BIOS menu to boot . And lastly Enjoy Windows 8 .. icon wink Install Windows 8 with USB drive

im5 thumb Install Windows 8 with USB drive 


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