Sunday, September 25, 2011

!8!# Cam Ranh Bay Vietnam - first duty station [1971] | !8: Singing ...


!±8± Cam Ranh Bay Vietnam - first duty station [1971]

In a war zone - a zone of combat, which, or for that matter, is in a support unit, which is in a war zone, there are very few flops, waving flags, or for that matter, the soldiers are standing erect with dressed greens, gloriously waiting for the fight to bend [like in the movies], sorry, just dodge teams stepping soldiers march in the rain and mud, bullets, rockets.

The soldiers in Vietnam, mostly young, were a bit 'worn inNervous to find out where she, set in the scheme of things, that is. That said, what was the goal [of what we've all asked ourselves, sooner or later]: - to win, to stabilize or contain? Nothing was clear except for one thing, or so I discovered shortly after my arrival in Vietnam was not to win, that war is won, in terms of directly from the victory.

Whatever the political mind of the politicians in Washington, DC, have soldiersbut I know that was not to win the war. Because we all knew we had or have a simple task. But then we do not want to run in Russia, we have, which was our way of avoiding a nuclear confrontation, I suppose, as in Korea, not in a rush to China, and lift the face of a nuclear power in this area, it means that we had these large bombs used to stop the hordes of enemy soldiers coming. Or at least that was the way we think our decision makers, or so, I think.

Back toVietnam again, I do not think it would be tough to win a war, [we did not set limits on ourselves, and missed targets for the good of other nations to get angry with us], but then had the negative forces against you / or We, like Jane Fonda [see also Last Words] in addition to the uncertain political minds in Washington DC, and in the ... making it more difficult. [As in many wars, you get the wild radicals, even in the Persian Gulf war, as SeanPenn, and a few like him. All] wants to go stir our emotions and see their films, and part with them on a protest march, but if you protest against them, are emotionally unstable, I do not like [President George Bush as saying. " .. there is no way ..."]. And in most cases, the demonstrators as they are, have never seen one day of fighting, but it is not lack of wisdom with them.

He protested in my way when I came home from Vietnam, I would not go to see theirMovies, though I saw one and bought another one, but it was very difficult for me to see them. I appreciate the great movie stars have an advantage of being able to go on stage and what they believe to be, for millions of people in a few minutes, someone like me, you know, it's my only way, or he was talking about does not support it at all possible way. Some people feel this way is not the proper way to react, but it is the only one I know, and a non-violent way, as I knew, and the road is a good old American styleprotest, I know.

And from what I see from those times and events, most people could not the difference between being assertive, which I think is the look in protest at war or peace, health and aggression, I believe, hypocritical at best . But that's how it always is. You go on a march for peace, and create a war. For me, a march for peace is peace, and so on and so forth, but we see the creation of hysteria, exactly what you protest, they should not bebehavior? But this was what I thought at that time.

Life in general in Vietnam [in a support group where I was] made his regular duties as a house, or Germany, you were cleaning their guns, washing socks, grabbed the rain and a hot shower. Married men have been trying not to feel the pain of missing women, and I received a Dear John letter, for example, my girls from Augsburg, Germany, was no longer going to write to me - as I expected, but I My Grief on leaveSt. Paul, Minn., a tear, a river, destroyed, or was it two rivers, however, can not remember, was too long ago. In war it is better to leave behind the love letters.

But it was over [the report of Augsburg], and I was glad I did not want to end up like the other guys --- that is in a hurry and wait, hoping to get to the mailbag, we get one or two letters every day to give you the power and control of your life to this person, and decide what to write whenYou - all plug your mind you think '... I go to war to die today and go to hell, or do you think they do back home. "This raises the question of who should live, because surely Charlie, the enemy does not want, and how I've always said, and I said I would go home together, or not, and if Charlie had in me. By the way, we would both go to hell together, but married men always wanted to go home, they thought of home And you know what in your head most of the time. especially ifwere married or had a short time, she always seemed busy. In a combat zone, this can be dangerous.

I do not want to walk before dark, to wake in their sleep, while in Vietnam, so I slept with one eye open all the time, while in Vietnam, and if a shadow crossed my path, who would die or would have liked to have .

On other occasions, someone could say to my companions,

"Why do you always keep the gun locked and loaded ...?" Meaning ready to shoot, "... even if you know Charlie isthe hills, two miles away, something harmless, only if it remains there. "My answer was always,

"I like that has been loaded - it's good for me, as I am in control, the way I want." It would concern some of my friends that I'm afraid shoot them by mistake. And I suppose that anything was possible.


Vietnam had many things to me, you could say that its a bag full of experiences, such as, but not quite as, Augsburg, Germany, where I landed in a novel,yup, that's where it was before it was released later in Vietnam. And San Francisco was also quite a learning experience where I lived for a year before joining the army and was sent there to Augusta. Somehow that seems to combine all of them because everyone else will end up in a mixed here in Vietnam.

Bring some 'of my experiences new heroin, and the search for my dance on top of a hut in the middle of the jungle free supply, where I and four other soldierswere the reduction of metal supply house. Even here we were listening to the top of the roof, dance, music, some Bob Dylan, I think, and turtles, etc., because there were no war. I kept my M16 Locked and Loaded, though, - but God does not want to come to the enemy, I had left on the ground by some other clothes I hang up. I had to jump off the roof, take my gun up to this point, we'd all be dead.

After several hours of rope-a-dope adventure, we had the placeAll dismantled, so that Charlie could not use it, and then we returned to base camp. That was my first use of white gold, heroin. Three dollars per capsule, and you could smoke, rubbing in the veins, or for that matter, inject, but I liked it. It 'was so good, I told myself, this was not happening again. I will certainly end up with a joke, drugs, and this was not the right place.

Like the sun, that day we had once again returned to our team in time for dinner. Ushad rice mixed with eggs, hamburger and green peppers and fried all together, it was fantastic.


The storage of ammunition, as we called [ammunition supply area] where I work so much, I fly a slap in the face all day in the little wooden hut that we used seemed to office. And to be perfectly honest, which in itself is a stressful job, especially when there is no wind to vent through the place. And just try not to crush them, eaten alive, that is, they land on everything, everywhere, all daylong.

Outside the hut was the only copper falls on you like you could almost touch the ball yourself, you can cook an egg on a rock, one of the soldiers tried, it works. Often, when things are slow, and often did, he would daydream on the porch of the hut, or go around looking for a stick to clean his ass, because there was no toilet paper.

With wives or lovers are really in love with back home for the first time the heat and rain of the lostVietnam, but again I say this because there was no reason for concern at times. I've often thought of the Israeli army, according to my understanding, if a person was married, she would not allow him to serve for a year or so. That made good sense, had her sex, her house was in order, for the most part, and concentrated.

Nights of stars seemed less, no birds sing at all, in fact, there were no birds. Not in the jungle or in the ammunition depot, only dry heat, lizards, and not too far fromSouth China Sea coast. No birds, no birds, no sir never, ever heard, no bird at all - and if I had ever seen. [As I write this I hear them now before my windows, chirping and singing. What a beautiful sound!]


It seemed to me that would make me live through Vietnam, I never thought that I would not be until I was breathing and not bleeding. One of my friends did it the hard way, has screwed so many women, so he has all these different types of sexually transmitted diseasesDisease, some have never heard of, and was sent to Japan for treatment. Her back was bent backwards like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. We had to talk into the night, and said simply: "Chick, sometimes I sleep with three times a day."

I said: "You must stop, look, what it is, yes," which was a month before he had the disease for the fifth time, or was it 7? In any case, this time has a difficult time, it seemed to me was, it was agreed at the problems of the spine, and talkit was too painful, I could say, and the next day he was gone. What a way to go without a fight, only bad company. I think we have chosen all our sins and our way of dealing with them and the unknown, with boredom and fun rules, which were here: and most of the way, how we deal with issues as they were treated by separating the [suspension of your mind / or reality], was about sex, drugs, gambling, fighting, or alcohol, as I often choose, or what was available. I think that war is war,Do not sit waiting for the pizza man is, we should fight or training to do what we did.


And I'm here in Vietnam, is the year l971, on the other side of the world, no poet, no people rich, not lawyers, but one of the guys named Presley, was a relative of Elvis' [or so it has said]. However, the rich and famous were not present, it is not always the case? It 'easy to say who is and who is not expendable, government. No disrespectit should, because I do not mind, here I must be a better place, no one waiting for me at home, not a girl, that is. For me it's just a trip into the jungle along the coast.

My Hutch

And 'I971 was the winter I lived in a barn at a military base in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, Research and dry, white sand and dirt that is packed against the hills around the camp, there was a radar station, above us. Down to the shore on the coast of southern ChinaSea, there were a couple of shrines, temples hidden in the jungle, and a road that leads to three ammunition dumps, Alpha, Charlie and Delta [alpha, the Air Force Dump]. It was dry and the sand was white, in fact perfect for a beach to swim and to paraphrase a voice that has spoken on this area in a resort type transformed after the war, could well be a good area for a location with financial planning and capital could be perfect, it was actually in the air, orI must say, with Americans present, some businessmen. I could not imagine such a place, be realistic, but who knows, things have happened stupid, I told myself. It was not always, you can watch two pictures at once, and prospects. But it could once again set to be a location.

I belonged to 611th Ordnance Company, there were 167 troops at the mine, with two rolls of stalls in the campsite, [four men in a hut], a dining roomStables, those in-between a floor of metal extending from the stalls at the fair with holes that covered the yard. A measure of safety for all creatures great and small, who wanted to visit us, such as snakes, lizards and scorpions, and who knows what else.

We also had a parent room [head] in front of our Military Liaison [or camping / complex], a shower of the complex way in the back where the bathrooms were outside, which left him a little 'even if isolated - not bad for a combination combat zone. And right next to our company has become a society of Military Police [MP], and their structure was similar to ours. Outside of our area was dusty dirt road connecting the compressed air hard, very hard done dirt dirt - and, I would add that with some rocks and cover the surface.

Winter in Vietnam was not like in the winter in St. Paul, Minnesota, where I came from. Here in Vietnam, it was hot, hot, muggy and hot, sometimesThe humidity was like a hot shower in your sweat. There were more lizards of dogs, some up to six meters. More than mice and scorpions were more jumbo bull as mosquito wasps, but cats, I think we were like them in this category in Minnesota vs. Vietnam, Cam Ranh Bay in particular. Yes it was a cat lover might say oasis. But these long-legged monster bull-tail giant mosquitoes and cockroaches, flies a foot over his head was enough to keep the mindbusy, if I had to think about anything else, and found themselves up all night with a crown of them in the head - is a giant cockroach on my face to wake up at night, and sometimes bite. And if you think they do not bite, think again.

And if they kill me at my ease in my stable I donate twenty minutes, thirty years ago, was flying, I know, I always come back to this fly problems, but they were everywhere, even in my dreams, yes, ratherSheep jumping over the fence, I'd crush the flies. But why complain, I told myself, I do not have to comb your hair, shine my boots, or for that matter do not impress, dress for brass [official], as in Germany. I believe that everything has its good and bad elements to.


When I arrived the first time in Vietnam, it was a flat night, the air was thin - as if he could not breathe, gently we [the more than 200 soldiers with me from the beam] is moving to a metalPlatform [something like our camp was here] again, I suppose, scorpions, no other living beings to do the Charlie [the enemy] did. We were moved, as I said, the plane was off the plane on the deck and then pulled away quickly, the enemy was not into them is null and destroy it. Then there are the bus to the processing center in Cam Ranh Bay. And there in the middle of the night, we waited and waited and waited.

We were like a stream of soldier antslong and tortuous as a football field. And even if 205 000 soldiers in Vietnam, when I arrived, or so I've heard, it was not so many as here a year ago - in retrospect, withdraw it slowly, in a place where there are over 500,000.

In any case, more to come and go twice a day from this position to my understanding.

We did not know what to expect the first few hours and nothing happened, just like the old saying goes. "Hurry ... Wait 'L'Army is good for this. I had only eight months before my service was, and I would quit the army, but I heard were the expansion of some soldiers, an additional 6-9 months, - it is open to all, I met some who are within a few weeks, has extended its so-called date of leaving Vietnam. In any case, I felt I could do standing on my head [the eight months that is] still, this heat does not make me very well, and I felt then, when things are for me, it wouldDass

Being from Minnesota, I was more accustomed to the cold and hot. In fact, I had 10 months of Augsburg, Germany spent just before coming here, and it was a bit 'spicy, but not that bad time. It seems to me that easily, as I have set, or perhaps family had just returned to Germany, and I was picky with this damn hot.

In Minnesota, we had really hot summers, so maybe once again my complaint unfounded, and the extreme cold in winter. And so I said, I woulda [way]. I also appreciate the way to the snow and cold of Germany and Minnesota, for the most part.

"This," said the soldier next to me [while I was with 200 other soldiers who arrived first waited with me in Vietnam].

[I gave him a hint, I assure you he was upset, or are not sure what I] I do not know.

Another man on my extreme south [of about 100 meters] found a pop machine and bought two cold Coca-Cola, drankfaster than counting to ten, and must have shocked his system because of the extreme heat, and leave, as if he were dead - but has simply moved only by changes in body temperature.

[E 'was in February, l971.] I got my khaki shirt that day, wiped the dirt from my eyes and leaned against the wall. Something told me it would be possible for a whole night and all day tomorrow to be something that is, processing me into the country with over 200 soldierswith me [and was].

Cam Ranh Bay Vietnam - first duty station [1971]

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