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Monday, January 7, 2013

What is Whited00r

Whited00r is the biggest community about iOS modding and firmware cooking in the world. Here you will find full support for all ARMv6 family Apple devices: iPhone 2G-3G, iPod Touch 1G-2G.We provide modded Software Update for your device. Installing whited00r you will get a fully optimized device, just in a few minutes, with a simple restore of...
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We need Whatsapp back for 3.1.3

many thanks to Waldo MacTavish for this word , use it on whatsapp timeline : Dear Whatsapp, The intent of this is not to threaten your company. In fact, I'm thus far, pleased with your service, until recently. In your sudden and abrupt termination of Whatsapp service to iPhone 3G users, like me, I would like to inform you, with justifications...
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Whited00r 6

Whited00r makes your device fast and productive, again.Voice Control.A great replacement to the coolest features of the new devices is now available for your old iPhone and iPod Touch. Voice CommandsA Zillion of Apps.Whited00r firmware can access both...
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Downgrading iPhone 3GS from 4.0 to 3.1.3 + Jailbreak and Unlock

Many of you have already upgraded your precious iPhone 3GS to the new OS released by apple, iOS 4.0. You are probably here because you could not wait to try iOS4 for yourself or you upgraded by accident. Whatever the reason i will show you how to...
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Fixing Blacksn0w on 3.1.3

Update: Ultrasn0w now supports 05.11 thru 05.13 with a new exploit that should fix all possible WiFi issues and any OS 4.0 problems. Deprecated ------------------miniFAQ:  Can this be used with my 'accidentally restored' 3.1.3/non-jailbroken/running BB 5.12.xx iPhone?NODoes this also fix the WiFi...
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