First off, let me warn you that this is a complicated process and failure to follow the instructions may cause your iPhone or your computer problems. So be warned. Oh and i am not responsible for any problems caused by following this guide. I have personally done what i will ask of you in this guide and have not suffered from any inconveniences other than a headache :)
Please follow the following steps to downgrade your 3GS to 3.1.3 from 4.0 and to also jailbreak and unlock it.
Step 1:
first step requires you to create save SHSH file on saurik server to allow you to downgrade to 3.1.3. This will be done by using a software called tiny umbrella which can be downloaded here. Install and run it (WIN 7 & Vista users right click and run as administrator).

After you have selected the correct options click on save my SHSH button. your shsh will be submitted. That's all for step one.
note: if umbrella cannot connect to servers you may need to make some read only files writable. For windows users these files are located in "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" select and right click the files and uncheck the read-only box.
Step 2:
For this step you need to follow a short guide from hackintosh website here. just follow the steps on that page and come back for step 3.
Step 3:
In steps 1 & 2 you made your iPhone 3GS "downgradeable". what this means is that iTunes will no longer bit$@ at you and say that your iPhone is not eligble for a downgrade. Now comes the part where you start downgrading your iPhone. you will need the latest version of iTunes and the 3.1.3 firmware iPSW file which can be downloaded by clicking here. Place the iPSW file on your desktop and launch itunes.
Step 4:
Place iPhone in DFU mode. if you don't know how to do this go here. While in DFU mode with iPhone connected to the PC run iTunes. iTunes will inform you that the iPhone is in recovery mode. click ok and then while holding shift click on "restore" button. then browse for the 3.1.3 ipsw file that you downloaded in step3. select it and let it do its work.
Step 5:
after a few minutes in which iPhone is being downgraded you will recieve a 1015 error message. This is GOOD. this means iPhone has been downgraded but not activated for whatever reason. we can do this ourselves. so close itunes and leave iphone connected while displaying the itunes usb logo.

Step 6:
to activate iPhone we first need to reset it. we cannot do this by hand will need quickpwn to assist us. after you have downloaded and installed quickpwn make sure you do NOT run it. go to step 7 instead.
Step 7:
while iphone is displaying the itunes logo and connected open your "my computer" or "windows explorer" and brows to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support" or for 64-bit users "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support". In there create a new folder called "bin". then cut everything in mobile device folder excluding the bin folder and paste it in the newly create bin folder. you might get an access denied error. in that case terminate the running apple mobile device and any other itunes process using task manager and try again. now with the files in the bin folder run quickpwn.
Step 8:
When your run quickpwn follow its instructions on reseting your iPhone.

After you do this your iphone should boot up properly with a 3.1.3 OS. if not you probably didn't follow steps 4-5 or 7 properly. now close quickpwn (you do not jailbreak using quickpwn here). also close itunes if it opened.
Step 9:Now that your iphone is running 3.1.3 properly it is time to jailbreak. before you do that you need to undo what you did in step 7. go back to the "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support" directory and cut everything from the bin folder back to the mobile device support. you might have to end some processes again here if you get errors in moving. Finally delete the bin folder you create in step 7.
Step 10:
This is the jailbreaking part. you will need spirit to jailbreak your 3.1.3 iPhone 3GS. Go here to have your iPhone jailbroken using Spirit. follow the instructions and after you are done you will have a jailbroken 3.1.3 iPhone.
Step 11:
Unlocking: To do this run cydia and have any available upgrades done.
- In cydia go to “add sources”.
- Now type the following repo in the URL field :
- Now search for ultrasn0w 0.93 using Cydia search bar. Once located, install by tapping the button on the top left corner of the display.
- Let the installation complete and finally you will have an unlocked iPhone 3G / 3GS running jailbroken iOS 4.
3 nhận xét: on "Downgrading iPhone 3GS from 4.0 to 3.1.3 + Jailbreak and Unlock"
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