Monday, February 22, 2010

Chào ngày mới

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Cách tạo chữ đẹp trên BUZZ nè

Bạn tạo một tài khoản trên blogger, sau đó vào trang để tạo chữ. Copy vào Blogger, BUZZ của bạn phải để cấu hình mặc định import bài từ Blogger n...
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My name

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Managing AdSense

"Now let's look more closely at each part of the console," I continued. "Remember, everything about AdSense is automated, so you'll spend a lot of time with the console initially.""Can you ever talk to a human being?" Anita asked."Absolutely," I said,...
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Monday, February 15, 2010

What is AdSense Smart Pricing?

Smart Pricing is Google's term for protecting itself and AdSense advertisers.  In short, people who spend money to advertise with Google AdSense want as many people to click their ads as possible.  Measured as a Click Through Ratio (CTR), many...
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Basic accounting Ngo Bao Chau is practical

I think a lot of people not understanding the role of basic mathematics, and people look at it with eyes economy merely that it is sterile and not lucrative economically.This is absolutely wrong because actual mathematics theory is applied in many scientific key. I would give an example:I need to develop a software system to identify human speech,...
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Mobile Ad Networks: What's there for startups?

Though the well accepted industry definition of "Mobile Ads Networks" as found in Wikipedia and MMA includes SMS/MMS advertising (which also happens to be more than 90% contributor for MobileAd revenue) but let us not confuse this topic with SMS advertising/spam and rather focus on companies that use the mobile web to deliver targeted/untargeted ads...
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

General Terms in Adsense Report

There are quite a lot of people who do not know what eCPM is. Below is the Adsense Report for illustration purpose:Page impressions Clicks Page CTR Page eCPM Earnings50 2 4.00% $6.60 $0.33These numbers are calculated as follows:Page Impressions (50)This is simply a count of the number...
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Meaning of CTR, eCPM and PPC in Google Adsense

Sometimes many of the Google Adsense users and affiliate users get trapped when finding the definition and the facts for Terms CTR, eCPM and PPC in context of google adsense and affiliate networks , so here i am giving you brief note on What is The Meaning of CTR, eCPM, PPC in Google Adsense.Meaning of CTR, eCPM, PPC in Google AdsenseLet’s go through...
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Wes Riddle’s Horse Sense #461

Principles of Political War (Part 3)Here are six principles of political war the left understands much better than most conservatives: 1) Politics is war conducted by other means; 2) Politics is a war of position; 3) In political wars the aggressor usually prevails; 4) Position is defined by fear and hope; 5) The weapons of politics are symbols evoking...
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Friday, February 5, 2010

How to earn money online

Well, setting up a blog/forum/website is fairly simple and everyone who is tech savvy enough can easily have their own space on the Internet. But how do you earn throughyour site? This would be considered passive income as you can earn even when you...
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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Finding a Best Advertisement income Resources

Finding a Best Advertisement income Resources - how to earn money - google adsense account - google ad wordsThe link above is unimpaired about:making money with adsense click mountebank i eventuate money online to make money at home google adsense faq adsense traffic google adsense advertising adsense earnings making money with adsense how to motivate...
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Monday, February 1, 2010

Websites and blogs Monetization Programs with best alternatives [ADSENSE ALTERNATIVES]

Have you been banned by Google adsense or are you just looking for more ways to enhance your ad portfolio and make more money from your websites?If your answer is yes to any of the questions, then this site has been made just for you.OnlineHarMONEY is an updated list of the best website monetization programs that are available to webmasters.We have...
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