Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to Make a Ribbon Corsage

Here is a little tutorial on how easy it is to make a corsage, even
without flowers.

Cut a bit of "wired" ribbon.  It can be any color or print that you like:

Holding the end of the ribbon, pull the wire from the other side in order to gather the fabric.

Wrap this fabric around into the shape of a flower. 

In your left hand hold the entire bloom except for the end where you will wrap the wire that you pulled through.  This is how you "tie off" your bloom.

I like to make a corsage with 3 blooms of various sizes.  Make your blooms and then use additional wire to attach them to a sturdy stem of some sort.  Here I cut a small stem with just a big of green and secured the blooms to the stem. 

Make a bow out of a coordinating ribbon.  (When I use solid color ribbon flowers, I like to use a printed ribbon for the bow and visa versa.)  Grab a few additional filler pieces like a small amount of baby's breath, ivy, more bows, and carefully wire them all to the stem.   You don't have to wire each piece individually -- sometimes I gather several pieces together, wire those pieces, and then wire to the original stem.

By the way -- the ribbon that I wanted to use was TOO wide, so I simply cut it in half in order to make my bow.  I then used a little of this ribbon to make some filler, as well, using thin wire and attaching it to a sturdier stem...all of which is wired together. 

I looked at my corsage and decided where I needed more filler and detail. I decided to hot glue some medium size pearls into the white flowers, and leave the red flower looking like a rose.  I also hot-glued a couple of green ivy leaves into the corsage.  You may also want to glue some additional leaves to the back of the corsage to hide the wire and further secure the corsage.

Here are a couple pictures of the finished corsage:


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