Saturday, June 5, 2010

Box Hill Picnic in Jane Austen's Style

We had a wonderful afternoon in Norma’s huge back yard with members of the Jane Austen Society. There was perfect weather to accompany many fine delicacies at our Box Hill Picnic. Norma regretted that she couldn’t get her husband to rent a donkey, but the dozen attendees were quite pleased with her strawberries! Here are 3 of riddles that Megan and I wrote in the pattern of “Emma” to share with others. Spoiler: I'm giving the answers at the end.

She lived in Bath long before Jane did, Her famous bun recipe is no longer hid.
(Who is she?)

Julius Caesar was a man among men;
The second is the tubs that we soak in.
(What is the compound word?)

The Queen and her family receive power from on high,
Her crown jewels shine like the bright sky.
The second is the quarter moon with its soft glow,
The whole is a residence that Jane would know.
(What is this compound word?)

#1: Sally Lunn
#2. Roman Baths
#3: Royal Crescent

And as a treat, here is our recipe from the picnic:
Rum Cake for Tea Time
1 box yellow cake mix
½ c. sugar
¾ c. oil
5 eggs
1 c. sour cream
Beat together on medium high speed for 2 minutes.
Stir in: 1 c. chopped pecans.
Pour half batter into greased bundt pan.
Combine filling: 1 T. cinnamon and 2 T. brown sugar
Sprinkle over the batter.
Cover with remaining half of batter.
Bake at 350’ F for 45 minutes until toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes.
Pour Rum Sauce over cake in the pan. Cool for 1 ½ hours more, then turn out of the pan onto serving plate. Refrigerate overnight or longer (freezes well) to improve the flavor.
Rum Sauce:
1 c. sugar
¼ c. boiling water
½ c. rum


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