Thursday, July 29, 2010

The $320,000 teacher

Do you believe that kindergarten is some of the most important schooling your child will receive? Many experts do, including Nobel Laureate James Heckman. You can read more about what Heckman says in a blog entry on the early learning challenge fund. David Leonhardt, in a recent NY Times article entitled The Case for $320,000 Kindergarten Teachers makes the case that teachers, particularly good ones, should be handsomely paid.

I believe that a good teacher makes a difference in the lives of our children. Good toys do, too! Remember, you are your child's first and most important teacher. Now as we are at the midway point of the summer vacation, won't you consider helping your preschooler become better prepared for going back to school with toys that encourage letter recognition and pre-math skills like "bigger", "taller", "heavier?" Look at Discovery Toys Measure Up cups, Measure Up Pots and Spoons, Measure Up Balance, ABSeas, Sounds Like Learning.


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