Friday, July 2, 2010

Buried Treasure Search

Ahoy again....this week I stuck with the whole pirate theme. I focused the books on sailors and pirates searching for buried treasure. We did a fun activity, I called it "Pirate Treasure Search". The kids had a lot of fun using magnets as metal detectors to find some interesting "treasures" buried in sand a box. I have to say that I kind of lost control of my kids because they kept putting their grubby little fingers in the sand after I told them that it was time to go. Plus the little ones wanted to take some of the stuff home. So next week, we are doing sea creatures. We are going to search for shark teeth and other sea creatures you would find at the beach. I have to use different tactics to restrain them from going crazy with the sand.


  • DinoSailors by Deb Lund

  • Sheep in a Ship by

  • Castaway Cats by Lisa Wheeler

  • Night Pirates by Peter Harris

  • Tough Boris by Mem Fox

  • This Little Pirate by Philemon Sturges

  • I Love Boats by Flora McDonnell

  • I Spy Treasure Hunt : a book of picture riddles by Walter Wick E 793.73 wic

  • Can You See What I see? Treasure Ship by Walter Wick E 793.73 wic

Activity: Pirate Treasure Hunt

Materials: sand, bin or container, assorted magnetize items- screws, paper clips, various sizes of magnets, eye glasses, pen, silver spoons, mini flashlight, and other stuff.

  1. Pour the sand into a medium or large container and mix in the items.

  2. Have children search with their hands or use a large magnet to find the items

Suggested titles can be found through
Storytime Source Page : sailors, pirates, and treasure


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