Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chances for Justice and Immaculate Deceptions

Revelation 2:2
“I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars;

Attention Brian Oxman and Mr. Steisand: The case in Colorado needs to be looked at if Justice is ever going to happen for Michael Jackson and his family. Updated article on the Broderick Case

The article opens with a declaration from legal experts that there is no way that the felony perjury case will ever be considered by a judge or jury in Larimer County. The article explains, “Because the two prosecutors who worked with Broderick to help convict Timothy Masters of Peggy Hettrick's 1987 murder are now sitting judges in the county, and because of the amount of pretrial publicity, a change of venue is imminent, said Denver defense attorney and 9News legal analyst Scott Robinson.”

Are we paying attention lawyers for the Jackson family? Change of venue! It can be done! Shall we try, instead of grasping for straws trying to blame a company for the medical decisions of a doctor it hired? Would it be possible for you to act like you are trying to get someone arrested for the crime of murder?

Jerry Brown meets the man in the mirror

Jerry Brown, currently State Attorney General ( lost primary to Cooley recently) and former 2 term governor of California is running for a third term. Why? Because he is determined to convince the California public that he is going to do a better job of running California (into the ground) then Schwarzenegger or, well himself.

Jerry Brown couldn’t even succeed in governing his L.A. District Attorney. He allowed Cooley to interfere with the LAPD’s arrest of Dr. Conrad Murray, insisting that Dr. Murray’s request not to be handcuffed be honored and delaying the arrest. He’s 72 years old. Show us something to tell us you can take control of something other than a press conference. We have nothing to go on.

Colony Capital working at ethics and against old school establishments

This is an excellent article about Colony Capital and the way they do business.

“I am not judging day-to-day vagaries of a global tsunami,” Barrack, Colony Capital’s founder, chairman and CEO, said in a telephone interview from Los Angeles. “I am confident our investments in Accor and Carrefour will deliver good performance in the next five years. We’re prepared to stay for the long term.”

Barrack said Bazin has done “a first-class job” over the last decade. “Because he’s not from France’s exalted clubs, we’ll get criticism,” Barrack said.
What is showing up is a benefit to shareholders that the incumbent board of directors railed against, citing “short term” solutions. But the investors don’t see it that way:

“U.K. and U.S.-based investors have been more willing to give Colony the benefit of the doubt. By selling operations outside of Western Europe, Carrefour could raise proceeds equivalent to its entire current market value, said London-based JPMorgan Chase & Co. analyst Jaime Vazquez. That would allow the retailer to pay a dividend of 34 euros a share, about equivalent to its share price, while maintaining its current level of debt, Vazquez said.”

Critics of Colony’s involvement with this business deal in connection to Michael may be hitching their conspiracy wagons to this paragraph:

Blue-eyed and a self-deprecating joke never far from his lips, Bazin “looks like the perfect son-in-law,” said Matthieu Pigasse, Lazard co-deputy head in Paris, who sits with Bazin on the board of casino company Groupe Lucien Barriere SA and advised Canal Plus, the pay-television unit of Vivendi SA, in the PSG sale. “The reality is he’s tough in business, sharp and quick, and he’s a very active investor.”

What this says is that Mr. Pigasse sits on the board of a casino company with Bazin. It also says that Pigasse advised Canal Plus (a pay-TV or cable company, unit of Vivendi SA in the PSG Sale). This does not connect Colony to Vivendi. Be careful what you read. This is Mr. Pigasse’s Bio

Upon further investigation, this link highlights the sale of a soccer team to a group lead by Luc Dayan and Lucia, which is a subsidiary of Colony Capital.

They bought the soccer team from Canal Plus. Buying a soccer team bleeding red ink does not connect Michael Jackson’s death to Colony. Vivendi is a reach and really has more in common with Geffen than it does with Tom Barrack.

About Vivendi - Vivendi is a Fortune Global 500 company ranked #264, with a total revenue in the year 2008 of 29.6 billion USD.[5] However, its massive expansion in the late 90s and early 21st century has caused the company both financial and legal trouble. The problems arose during the term of former CEO, Jean-Marie Messier; both US and French regulators are investigating potential cover-ups of company losses.[6] Vivendi is also an example of privatization of a public service, the distribution of water and wastewater. Resource

Under Colony Capital and Vivendi:

From PDF - On 22.06.1999 the Commission received a notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EEC) No.4064/89 by which the undertakings Accor, Colony and Blackstone acquire within the meaning of Article 3
(1)(b) of the Council Regulation joint control over the hotel activities of the Vivendi group. Resource

Under Anschutz Corporation and Vivendi
-: The only search I could find of them together was on a web site touting Joel Katz’s lawyering skills in the entertainment industry. Katz advised both companies separately at one time or another.

Interesting information on Anschutz and the companies in which he owns controlling interest on this link here . . . and scroll to the bottom:

I know this is all dry and boring. Anschutz is also buying sports teams and they are involved with Colony in the Xanadu Complex in Northern New Jersey.

This was an interesting slant. We see a lot of this in the press . . . Christians being portrayed as bigots, or of “using” their faith to mask evil (and unfortunately this does go on, but in EVERY walk of life, not just Christian) and of course if you are a Christian AND have money, then there is something especially wrong with you.

July 7, 2010 – Chances for Justice and Immaculate Deceptions

Keep in mind one thing when reading this article . . . Michael was a Christian and had money too. Look what the press did to him!

The article is written as such an angle that Michael and Anschutz were at opposite ends of the social and ideological spectrum, when it fact, they really weren’t.

Anschutz is described as humble and understated, preferring Timex watches to Rolex and his desire to keep a low profile.

Michael Jackson was humble, wore next to no jewelery, wore the same loafers all the time (the butt of his brother Randy’s jokes) and his desire (although rarely accomplished because of his fame) to keep a low profile when he went shopping.

Anschutz does not give interviews and shuns the press.
Michael shunned ( or tried to shun) the press, rarely granting interviews in his 40+ year career. Both men knew what the press was capable of.

Anschutz "…knows you don't do good works for an earthly reward."

Michael also believed in doing good works without recognition and gave credit to God for everything he was given to give others.

Anschutz is stealthily active in Christian and conservative causes, funding the Institute for American Values, The Center for Marriage and Families and Morality in Media.

Michael, who admittedly shunned politics (really, he had enough problems) was passionate about the breakup of families, the death of innocence and the family unit and, along with Prince Al-Waleed back in 1995, had planned through “Kingdom Entertainment” to put families back at the center of entertainment, films, theme parks and resorts, multi-media and gaming etc . . . the plan that never developed.

Anschutz is a visionary and always five steps ahead of his corporate competitors (sometimes with a sense of humor, tongue in cheek - story on that below) and is described as being able to “see around corners”.

Michael has been touted as a visionary, both musically and visually, to the point where he can hum the notes of every instrument in a song he’s written to the various members of the band and tech crew to record. This is an amazing talent considering Michael never learned to read music. Michael gave new meaning to the phrase “playing by ear”.

Both Michael and Anschutz can see in whole pictures, while being able to break it down into harmonizing parts for those contributing to their teams . . . Michael musically and visually, and Anschutz in business.

Are they really that different from each other? I don’t see it. I can see Anschutz being completely taken by Michael’s personality and impressed with Michael’s vision, which nobody argues is less than genius.

Read more:

One thing missing in the rush to condemn Colony and Anschutz is that there is no motive to go after Michael Jackson’s holdings. Both companies and founders far out-fund Michael. There is no evidence that Colony has done anything but help Michael avert a foreclosure and stall Sony’s takeover of the Sony/ATV. Michael’s ranch still sits, unsold or otherwise violated by Barrack and Company other than maintenance and improvements.

Anschutz, aside from funding a project of Michael’s and sharing the same ideologies, owned the company that would promote the “This is It” concerts. Anschutz has not defrauded Michael. From what I see, both Colony and Anschutz are buying up little pieces here and there of companies that are connected to people who have defrauded Michael. One of the reasons I believe Colony inquired about the Sony/ATV catalog.

What of AEG Live? Owned by AEG And Anschutz Corp., was in the process of putting together a concert. This is another curious mess that I will address in a future blog. (mental note to address AEGLive and “This is It”). Sony had a lot more to lose than Colony or Anschutz. Sony and those connected to the Sony Music group of companies were possibly looking at felonies and jail time as well as loss of the rights to songs in two music catalogs and controlling interest in the Sony/ATV.

And therein lies a possible motive of Sony for not only Michael’s death but Peter Lopez’s death and possibly Ayers as well. Peter, who was working on business reorganization for Michael was “found dead”. Sounds like someone believed Lopez knew something!

And Ayers? He worked for Dr. Klein, a 30 year dermatologist of Michael’s. Dr. Klein has been one of the few people to last that long with Michael. Dr. Klein was prominently in the news after Michael’s death. After the death of Ayers, Dr. Klein got weird on us. Was Ayers a warning to Klein?

Of what information we are given . . . be very suspicious. Of what information you find, be very discerning. Information, like money, can be used in one of two ways.

It can be used in a positive way, or a negative way.

Michael new scenes TII couresy of Ortega:

Source: http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/2010/07/chances-for-justice-and-immaculate.html

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