Friday, July 9, 2010

Fading but not Forgotten: CSC

The below piece is something new that I will be doing on IS. “Fading but not Forgotten” is for riders that are no longer in the sport, and riders that are in fact in the sport...but don't get the recognition they deserve. This idea was presented to me by Nick Darger.

Fading but not Forgotten: CSC

The below piece is something new that I will be doing on IS. “Fading but not Forgotten” is for riders that are no longer in the sport, and riders that are in fact in the sport...but don't get the recognition they deserve. This idea was presented to me by Nick Darger.

It's been so long since one of the most dominant crews in the sport was around, that when people hear “CSC” now, they hardly know what it means, or where it came from.

CSC stands for Corona Scooter Crew. Who was in that crew? Mike Dies, Mikey Weaver, Cody Speake, and Danny Rambert. And what made them so dominant, everything about them.

At the time that CSC came out, there were no real “Teams” in the sport..because all of the big companies we got now, were not around yet.

What we had back then were mostly, Crews, aka A group of friends that rode together. Well CSC wasted no time in showing their dominance through their riding.

It wasn't just one of them either, they were all on a level that few others were on at that time. There wasn't any one trick they all did, like backflips that got them so was the way they combo'd their tricks in and out of grinds and manuals...and the lip/coping tricks they brought to the sport were almost unseen at that time. That, and their individual styles.

These guys had such a strong Bmx Feel to their riding, it was amazing. Coming from Corona in Southern California, they also opened peoples eyes to a new form of So Cal Park Riding...and people loved it.

Everyone in the sport was instantly drawn to CSC, the control they all had on their scooters, was almost inspiring to watch. Watching these guys, made you want to be better.

Also during 2004 and 2005 we really didn't have a reliable wheel...but CSC turned the sport onto one of the best things its ever seen. YAK Wheels. No, not the Yak wheels you find can't find the YAK Wheels I'm talking about. At the time of 2004 and 2005...YAK made amazing wheels..and it was CSC that were some of the first guys to really promote these wheels...and start the YAK era.

When the preview for “Once Again” came took the sport's attention quick. Everyone wanted it, and wanted it bad We waited, and waited for its Winter 2005 release....But this was one video, the sport would never get to see. It was after the release of this preview, that footage and the presence of CSC became really scarce.

When word started to go around that they were all slowly quitting, and that Mike Dies was making his permanent transition to Bmx, it became clear that we were soon to be losing CSC for good.

Now a days CSC, basically lives on through the “Once Again” preview, and what other rare videos of the guys that people have.

Mike Dies has went on to be extremely successful in the sport of Bmx, you can find videos of him online.

Cody Speake and Danny Rambert have tried a few times to get back into the sport, but a full return is yet to be seen, but they are said to once again be trying to get back to riding.

And lastly, my favorite of the four, Mikey Weaver has yet to be seen or heard from to my knowledge.

It's rare in this sport, to be able to make such an impact...and still be able to make that impact long after you're gone, or in hiatus. But the riders and individuals we will be doing articles on in “Fading but not Forgotten” are just that. They are the riders who stood out beyond the rest, and will continue to do so as long as we remember them. Keep checking Inside-Scooters for the next “Fading but not Forgotten”

Below you will find the infamous preview for "Once Again". If you got any videos featuring the CSC guys, please feel free to email them to me.

CSC Once Again Preview from andy bradford on Vimeo.

This video below is over 2 years old. It's the 951 Scooters 2 Video. For a while Cody and Danny were back riding...and in this video...they really steal the show. After watching the "Once Again" preview you should be able to pick them out in their clips. Cody does some insane Superman stuff, and Danny just all around shreds it. You can also spot a tiny Monky...if you look close enough.

951 Scooters 2 from nick darger on Vimeo.

Do you got a rider in mind that you think should be featured in “Fading but not Forgotten”? Then shoot me an email at and tell me your reasons.


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