Thursday, July 29, 2010

Get rich with Adbrite

You may already know about Google advertising programs and how they work and how to make money online with these programs. There are many more programs that similar to Google. They are Bidvertiser, Clicksor, TargetPoint, AffiliateSensor, Adbrite, Chitika, BidClix and so on. Most of them are good and legitimate programs. But, here I specially want to introduce you about Adbrite which I used and got paid several times.
Adbrite is one of the internet's ad market that connect advertisers and publishers together. Actually this site's main job is joining business owners and website owners. For this service they take revenue. By today there are 100 million users across 70,000 sites around the Adbrite.

First, both advertisers (business owners) and publishers (who has a website) must register with Adbrite. Then, advertisers can find website/sites where their ads should be displayed. Also, they can decide their bid too. As a site owner, they can filter the advertisements that they allow to display in their site and bid for that. Direct ads are one of the special feature of this program when we consider with Google. You can display Text ads, Banners, Full Page ads, Inline ads or BritePic in your site. Adbrite will pay for their publishers when the account balance reach the minimum check amount. Payment will be made by checks. Also, you can refer this site for others and make some extra money

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