Friday, July 23, 2010

Giveaway - Paint Sprayer (Earlex HV3500)... TIME TO SIGN UP!


Here are the things I love:

  1. Ease of Use 

  2. Control of the Spray 

  3. Beautiful Smooth Finish 

  4. Fast, Fast, Fast, Fast

  5. Does not require a lot of thinning of paint 

  6. Easy to follow VIDEO directions 

  7. Can use your sprayer in the house 

  8. Easy Clean-up 

  9. Can use with any type of paint 

  10. Wonderful Coverage!

Take a look a peek at my first paint-spraying experience:


PMC Marketing has very generously offered to give an Earlex HV 3500 Professional Paint Sprayer to one of my followers!   How Cool is That?

You have 3 chances to enter the giveaway and win this paint sprayer. You MUST post a separate comment for each entry - - 3 Chances, 3 Comments.  That's easy, right?

1.  FIRST CHANCE (MANDATORY) -- You must be  FOLLOWER of my blog and appear in my list of followers on the right hand side via Google Friend Connect.  I love all my "readers", but for this giveaway, you must be an actual FOLLOWER.  If you have not yet signed up to follow, please do so before commenting.  Then simply comment that you are a follower (first entry and first comment).

2.  SECOND CHANCE.....VISIT PMC Marketing & Sales. Take a look at their site and tell me what other product impresses you.  I want you to be aware of the items they offer and become familiar with the company who is generously going to give away this high performance paint sprayer (second entry and second comment).

3.  THIRD CHANCE.....Place the button displayed at the beginning of this post (also in the upper right sidebar) to a link on the sidebar of your blog telling others about this giveaway and/or BLOG about this giveaway.  (Feel free to twitter, facebook, and email others about the giveaway; however, the button link and/or a blog post is the only additional way to receive a third entry.)  Let me know which you plan to do. (third entry and third comment).

The last day to enter this giveaway is August 14th.  The winner of the Earlex HV3500 Paint Sprayer will be determined via Random.Org and will be announced on August 15th.  Good Luck!  This is a one great sprayer!

Contest open to US and Canada residents.


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