Friday, July 23, 2010

Laugh out loud....or upside down...funny!

My kids love to tell jokes. Now, most of their jokes they have made up by themselves, and these jokes often make absolutely no sense to adults. That, however, does not stop them from laughing hysterically at their own made up joke. They other day I got on the computer and printed off some knock knock jokes and riddles and read them to the kids. Apparently.....(I'm gonna let you in on a little secret) jokes that actually make sense are not nearly as funny as nonsensical jokes. (Who knew?) They didn't laugh nearly as hard at mine as they do their own jokes. Instead of laughing out loud, Ethan........well, he chose to laugh upside down.

Here are a few of the jokes I read to them. I thought they were pretty cute and funny....what do you think?

Why was the baby ant confused?

-all his uncles were ants

What do you call a kitten drinking lemonade?

-a sourpuss

What do you call a gorilla with a banana in each ear?

-whatever you want, he can't hear you

Funny right!!??

Here's hoping the good Lord blesses your life with a little humor today!




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