Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Martha Stewart Cricut

Sorry I seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.  I didn't.  I have been making cards and letting them leave my presence without photos.  I consider those one of a kind, never to be copied cards (can't I dream).  One day someone will show me one of them and I'll be like, wow, I forgot I even made that.  Well yesterday I got my new Cricut cartridges yeah.  I think the MS cartridges are great and I think that since I have a couple I'll never need another cartridge again.  Now all of the cartridge money will go directly to savings (I can hope can't I).  Well I hope you will enjoy the following card and I plan to make more of them really soon.  The paper was from a K & Company stack and the little bling butterfly was from the Michael's dollar section.

I only cut out the welded thank you shadow.  I used it as the primary image.  The regular thank you wasn't welded and I was feeling lazy.

Thanks for dropping by.  Have a blessed day.

Source: http://kdwcreative1.blogspot.com/2010/07/martha-stewart-cricut.html

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