Sunday, July 25, 2010

OSK Investment Challenge

We wish to share some exciting news. OSK Investment Bank will soon launch the OSK Investment Challenge (OSKIC) programme, which is developed to educate 18 to 35 year olds on investing in the Malaysian Capital Market.

The OSKIC programme will, through a virtual investing competition, provide real-life trading experience without the accompanying financial risk. It will provide a platform for the simulation of trading in Bursa Malaysia.

The aim of the OSKIC is to:
1. Build a new generation of potential investors
2. Seed OSK as the preferred investment partner in the minds of the new generation
3. Enhance brand awareness for OSK, specifically the OSK188 online trading platform

The OSKIC is to be an annual competition with 2 editions:
i. The Campus Edition for tertiary students, which is slated to run from 16 Aug - 1 Oct 2010
ii. The Open Edition for young adults below 35 years of age, which is targeted to run from March 2011

For the Campus Edition of the competition, 70 campuses nationwide, which offer business or finance programmes, will be invited to participate. From this 70, only 30 prominent campuses within the Klang Valley will be identified as road show locations.

The OSKIC (Campus edition) will be launched on 16 August 2010 at Bursa Malaysia’s premises by Bursa’s CEO, Dato’ Yusli Mohamed Yusoff.

In the inaugural competition, we intend to reach 100,000 students. Of this 100,000, we expect a recruitment of 10,000 active participants.

These participants will be given virtual money worth RM100,000 to trade based on actual real-time stock prices.

As incentive, the competition awards prizes in two categories:

A. Individual Category (Top 3 individuals with the highest score at the end of the game):

Grand Prizes
1st Prize – RM25,000
2nd Prize – RM10,000
3rd Prize – RM5,000
*Bonus Prize: Internship opportunity at OSK Investment Bank (chosen out of the Top 20 participants)

Weekly Prizes
2 Prizes Every Week (Worth RM1,300 per prize) based on:
1 winner for Portfolio with the highest growth percentage rate in that week and
1 winner for Portfolio with the highest absolute returns in that week

B. Campus Category:
Computer Lab worth RM100,000 based on Campus with the highest portfolio value, tabulated by adding the top 20 portfolios of students in the campus.

The OSKIC is not a one-time event. It is to be organised annually for the next 5 years, beginning here in Malaysia and with plans to extend the competition to Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong in the next two years.

We are proud that OSK is a pioneer in the development of this online trading simulation competition which will no doubt augur well for the young Malaysian traders and investors of the future. In time, we would like to see the OSKIC become THE ultimate investment game not only in Malaysia but in the countries where OSK operates.

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