Friday, July 23, 2010

The Secret in the Hidden Cave (Big Pine Lodge series) (Kindle Edition)

The Secret in the Hidden Cave (Big Pine Lodge series)

The Secret in the Hidden Cave (Big Pine Lodge series) (Kindle Edition)
By Chapoton, Debra

Buy new: $2.99
Customer Rating: 4.8

First tagged by Debra L. Chapoton "bigpinelodgeauthor"
Customer tags: kids(8), adventure(7), secret(7), kindle(7), fun(7), childrens books(7), mystery(7), family(7)

Review & Description

Missy Stark is a 12 year old semi-orphan spending the summer helping at a rustic lodge resort. When a proposed highway project is slated to cut through the property and close the resort, Missy and her new friend, Kevin, explore the lodge, the woods and the caves beneath the lake, racing to find a way to block the destruction. Can they solve the riddles, follow the clues and save the lodge from ruin? Or are they being used by someone smarter who needs help to reveal an ancient secret? Read more

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