Young children have impressionable minds. Memories of childhood, especially the unusual ones, stay for a long time to come. I’m sure that all of us can recall at least one instance where we were not too happy about our parent’s treatment of us.
But if you thought that your parents did a bad job in one or two instance, check out the 20 unbelievable pictures below. You might be in doubt whether to laugh at the situation or feel sorry for children – but one thing you will not be doubtful about: these are fine examples of bad parenting.

Plastic bags + children = tragedy waiting to happen. Plastic bags + children on a motorcycle = the worst idea ever.

From cartoons and movies, I can tell that mermaids always have a top on. This daughter will never forgive her dad.

“When I was little, my mommy stripped in front of me and pole-danced.” Enough said.

Making a legless child sit next to a lion. It’s like the parents were trying to tell their child, “We don’t want you.”

Oh yes; scaring your children is never a bad idea especially when they are at a very young age.

Newsflash, parent: that seatbelt is actually counterproductive. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how the child could choke even if there was not an accident.

Oh sure, hand you child a heavy axe so he can accidentally drop it and chop his foot off.

Don’t have a chewy toy? Hand your children an anaconda.

Is your child cold? Microwave him.

A child riding his tricycle on a main road during traffic. Probably looking for his parents.

Because raccoons never attack humans.

He had it in his lunchbox.

Poor kid. Don’t worry, you can have your revenge when you grow up.

And that is how you give your child everlasting confusing memories.

In case you were wondering how to scar your children for life, this is how you do it.

Oh no, don’t correct the situation; prolong it, take a picture, and make the people laugh at him.

“When I was little I poured beer in my Dad’s mouth because he was too drunk to do it himself.”

When shopping convenience becomes a higher priority than your children’s comfort.

Anacondas can wrap themselves around an adult instantly and the child is left there to cuddle with one. Bad idea? Worst idea.

“Honey! Charlie has the end of your shotgun’s barrel in his mouth. Quick, bring the camera!”
(via Thumb Press)
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