Wednesday, August 25, 2010

5 ways to advertise your business

When starting any kind of business you have to find ways to notify the public about the product or service you are offering. This is called advertising. There are a variety of ways to advertise ranging from paid to free or online to off. No matter what method you use, you are telling people about and encouraging them to buy whatever you are offering. This post will go through 5 ways to advertise your business.

Word of Mouth- This is a free and easy way to advertise your product and can be very effective. Basically, you tell someone you may or may not know about your business and encourage them to tell their friends and family. This can work really well in a small town where everyone knows everybody.

Free Samples- This is very common as you see free product samples in your local supermarket or mall. You are allowing people to either taste or test your product before they buy it. If they enjoy it they will buy your product.

Facebook- This method has multiple options:

  • Fan Page- A Facebook Fan Page for a local business is effective in the community as it relates to word of mouth. When one person becomes a fan, their friends will be able to see that they liked it and check it out for themselves. This can become endless as the average Facebook user has over 100 friends.

  • Facebook Ads- Facebook allows an any business or person to advertise for a small fee a day. I recommend this to a bigger business as the prices may eventually add up. But that aside, you get great exposure due to the large Facebook community.

Google Adwords- Almost the reverse of Google Adsense, Adwords allows businesses to advertise on any webpage with Adsense. This is an amazing way to advertise as you can target specific audiences like country or gender on a large percentage of webpages. You will even be able to advertise on this blog.

There are many ways to advertise but these are probably the most common. Carefully pick any number of methods you choose and put them into action. I hope you and your business benefit from this post. Please share this with your friends and follow this blog.
See ya


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