Monday, August 16, 2010

911 Mosque

This is really kind of a no brainier isn't it? If moslems really wanted to build bridges, they would come out publicly and declare that due to the overwhelming response, they will build elsewhere.

Now listen up and listen close. My views on freedom and liberty are pretty clear. But islam is not a religion in the way that we classically view religion in this country. It's more akin to geo-political power cult.

Let's assume that it's not islamic fundamentalism that the west, (and most of the rest of the world it seems) is in constant conflict with. In fact, lets replace "islam" and "moslem" with something else, say, "Catholicism" and "Catholics" . Let's say it's Catholics who strap on bombs and blow themselves up all over the world, saw people's heads off, stone people to death, etc.

Let's say it was 19 Catholics who hijacked those planes and now want to build a church there. Still a problem? Absolutely. Because in this case, it's not about religious tolerance. It's about cultural will. Do we have the will to stand up and say, "This is an obvious fuck you. We're not gonna let it slide?"

(H/T To Big Dicks Place For The Picture)


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