Monday, August 16, 2010

Animal Hospital Volunteer Journal

Friday August 13, 2010 13:00-16:00

I was overly excited.
The first call came on the day before. They have lost my resume. The woman on the phone asked me to bring an extra copy. I got mad obviously. I waited 2 weeks for an answer, and this was it?
The voice was waiting so I answered yes. At least for now. I didn't feel like putting up another minute of my time on a particular resume for a place where they don't really care about me. I mean the woman didn't even apologized for the loss of my papers. I just didn't bother. Time will sort things out. I could have looked for other Vet too. But then, today, the call came again. I couldn't tell if it was the same voice. Anyway, I was allowed to come starting today.

So there I was, standing on the entrance with a shy smile. The phone lady recognized me and brought me inside the STAFF ONLY door. My first comment  was "Wow!, It's huge". I have been to the hospital couple of times but only in the waiting room and reception desk. The phone lady, her name was Daniella, showed me around the hospital. When you just enter the Staff room, there are two surgery desk with big lights, machines, sink, syringes and surgery tools. Behind it there are some kennel cages for the animals to rest after surgery to the left of the entrance door, there is pharmacy with bunch of medicines, computer and microscope. Room next to pharmacy was the Doctors' office. There was three Doctors. Next to the office was the dog kennel/boarding room, another surgery room, X-ray room and cat kennel/boarding room. There was a door next to the cat kennel which led to backyard and basement where they had more kennels. The last room was an exam room which led back to the waiting room. Oh and I almost forgot about the grooming room which is next to pharmacy.

My first chore was to unpack the deliveries. It was all cat food in  can. I emptied the box and through away garbages. I didn't have much things to do after that, so I played with the cats.

Now, when I first entered there was a rabbit on the surgery desk held by the Vet technicians. The Russian Doctor was giving him a shot. Later on, I guessed it was an anesthetic because they soon went into surgery. His name was Mr. Sparkles. He was being neutered. I watched it closely. After he was done with surgery, he was put on a cone of shame around his neck and was resting inside the kennel. One of the vet-technician noticed Mr. Sparkles was kept bleeding, so he was brought back to the surgery desk and the doctor performed what looked like stitching. Then the rabbit was fine.

Then, two German short-haired pointers came to the treatment area to be taken blood samples. The other doctor with black sunglasses and awkward body posture was in charge of this one. He asked me to hold the body of the pointer tightly with him while the vet-technician took the shot. The first one was named Lightning and the second was Thunder. I was not pro at holding big squirming dog but I tried my best.

One of the vet-tech was named Maria, she was also from Russia with such a strong accent, it challenged my communication with her. She and I walked the cats. Yes, CATS....they are special. We also walked the dogs. A miniature poodle ,two toy poodle and random other dogs I couldn't specify the breed. It was such a fun because I haven't seen dogs and cats for awhile. I picked up after them with joy. I'm serious. Apparently it was Maria's birthday and she brought Russian honey cake. I took a slice. Not so good but I was hungry.

The doctor with sunglasses showed me a ear bug through the microscope. It was not thrilling but I showed my most interested look because he was so friendly to me. The last doctor was female, and she didn't really care about my presence there.

Maria also explained me about the laundry and how it was done. I folded all the dry clothes with her.

I washed my hand every often to keep myself from spreading germs around the hospital.

The last thing I did was to play with a little kitty with neurological problem. They said she will probably have this with her whole life. She kept falling to sides and couldn't walk properly.


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