Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Baby Toy Shopping

When thinking of a gift for a baby, the first thing that usually comes to our minds is toys. And why not, toys are sure to bring shrieks of laughter or at least a smile to the little tot's face. But in choosing that toy, one must consider if it is fun, educational and most of all, safe. 

Baby Einstein Take Along TunesBabies are the most gullible and naïve persons yet and have absolutely no inkling on whether that multi-colored fluffy plaything may be harmful to him or not. As grown-ups we have the responsibility in making sure that they are always out of harms way, and thus our toy gifts must not only be entertaining but positively harmless too. So how do you choose on whether that infant toy that you are eyeing on the baby shop window may make a good present for the baby?

With the rise of online baby stores, it is not far off that you may want to purchase your baby present via the internet. That is not so surprising especially if you are a busy businessman constantly traveling on business trips and would not want to miss sending a lovely present of well wishes for your godson that is being christened in Sydney, Australia. Australian online baby merchants are more than willing enough to cater to your gift needs for your newborn godsons. So here are a few tips for you to consider on purchasing that cute cuddly teddy bear through the internet.

Baby Einstein Bendy BallProbably the initial thing to look for is on whether the infant toy is able to meet the established safety standards. For your part, you should make sure to abide by the recommended age that is noted by the manufacturer on the toy's box or label. Toys that are meant for children ages three years old and up should not be given to infants at six months old. 

This should be strictly followed even if you should think that the child is brilliant enough to understand the toy's mechanism. There is a reason for the age labels and it is meant to ensure safety. To be specific, avoid giving the toys to infants with the small parts as there is a greater risk and chance that it might be swallowed by the child. Remember that a baby has a tendency to place everything he touches inside his mouth thinking that it might be food. Also do not go for those toys with sharp pointed parts. The toddler is pretty reckless and could easily get hurt from these spiky, piercing things.

Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Baby's First BlocksAs previously mentioned, the toy should not only be safe for the baby but it should be educational and fun at the same time. Look for a toy that is sturdy enough to endure for a long span of time. There are a lot of toy choices available in the market which can be used in a variety of ways in which the child can grow and learn from. It might be helpful to choose toys which aid in nurturing the child's key developmental areas. 

These areas include the spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, gross motor skills and of course, choose toys that ignite the senses: sense of vision, sense of touch, sense of smell and sense of sound. Toys with brilliant vivid colors and unique distinctive textures are much preferred. And do not forget about the rubber ducky that makes a cute little sound every time it is pinched.  ,Isnare 


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