Monday, August 16, 2010

Chapter 1: Philosophy

Last week I completed chapter one: "Philosophy."  As I read through all of the soap makers' essays for the book, I found that many people are driven to make soap because of their values and beliefs.  If you saw my earlier post about Brown Rice Family, they try to have a natural and healthy life, and their soaps are made with organic ingredients.  Yiuchi even travels to Japan to visit the farmers that supply green tea for his soaps.

The cover page for this chapter features Maggie Wang's beautiful soaps (shown above).  In her write-up she explains:

I began making soaps when my husband's co-worker lost his wife to cancer. That's when I realized how many harmful chemicals go into our daily cleaning products. I then began my ever-evolving quest for the all-natural soaps: I'm always hunting for natural ingredients, natural scents, and natural colorants.

She also focuses on using animal fats in her recipes.  Her designs are modern and striking. 

I am almost finished with the second chapter and will post a preview of that one as well.  In the meantime, you can get another preview of a featured artist by signing up for the newsletter (click here).  You'll receive a desktop wallpaper featuring A*Kang (also part of the Philosophy chapter) and an excerpt of her write-up.

I look forward to sharing more of the book with you.  It's coming out beautifully, thanks to the incredible work of the soap makers and Erin Pikor's photography.  I know you will love it!


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