Wednesday, August 25, 2010

College Adventures!

So, I figured since everyone else is writing about college, and everyone is, like, moved away, I will talk about my college experience. :P I guess. Baha.

I have to tell you the I'm super stoked about two of my classes: Creative Writing and Understanding Film.

They have me going crazy! Like... in a good Rhachel's-gonna'-be-rich kind of way. c: Haha. Something like that. Now I just keep going through life picturing how I could the perfect camera angle in a situation or putting my thoughts into words that you could really connect with from a novel or I get ideas on stuff to write about, like, constantly.

They really aren't so strange. I did all this before, but having these classes has just made me do it more and more. And it's only been a week! c: I'm so stoked.

I'm pretty sure Lib 1010 is going to be the lamest class ever. But hey! It's the one class I have with Cammie, apparently. :P Like, for reals. We the have the same instructor. Haha. I thought it was funny... Too bad it's online and so we never actually see each other.

I have a friend. c: Her name is Danielle. And she's a ginger. <3 She's in my ceramics class and I'm actually gonna' meet up with her and play with some clay tomorrow. I'm kind of stoked that I'm not, like, a lone ranger in there.

Haha. Slash, I'm pretty sure one of the kids in there was totally checking me out. That's fun. Especially because he's pretty attractive too. Baha. That or he was just giving me weird looks because I'm wearing a Ninja Turtle shirt today. c: I'm cool with that too. :P ... Except it was happening on Tuesday too. And apparently he got a haircut. Yeah. I notice random stuff like that. Don't judge.

Apparently my brother-in-law is surprised that I got into my Creative Writing class because my teacher is kind of amazing. And I'm stoked because he has movie experience, and I want to get into the movie biz. Slash, the textbook he's having us read. Yeah. I read it for fun. I love it. <3 Like, I kid you not. The fact that we have to read it just gives me an excuse to get to read it. :P You know? Yeah. I think it will help out with my writing a lot.

My Understanding Film class will probably be a bit harder for me. Why? Because I lack movie knowledge and such. But hey, that's why I'm taking the class, and I'm gonna' have to learn this stuff if I want to make movies someday. Haha. It'll be fun. I'm stoked.

Random Fact: I've been singing a ton today. This morning I was singing. This evening I was singing. Every time I've been driving around today, I've been singing. I love it. It just makes the day so much better. I... would do it more often if I had more alone time. Because I just don't feel confortable singing around other people, especially family, excluding my brother. Haha.

I love art. Like, all of it. Dance, Music, Writing, Painting, and so on. I... think I might be in college for a very long time. Not really for the social aspect of it, because I'm socially retarded, but because I just love the learning. Really, I might just go out and make money just to go to more college to learn more stuff to do more things to make more money and just keep going back to college.

We'll see, though. My family would have to be my first priority. But that's basically the plan. c:

Did I mention that I'm stoked about my classes? <3

I need to go buy stuff for Ceramics tomorrow. I don't really like doing that. Crap... And I don't have cash for it. :/ Eh... Guess I'll figure it out. Hopefully before 10:30. :/ Anywhoozle.

I don't like just chilling around campus. I just have a few spots where I'll sit down and just do my thing. I just feel like scum on the bottom of the foodchain half the time. Haha. Which doesn't make sense, really. I mean, I'm a Freshman, but it's college. It... really doesn't matter. Anyway. So, yeah. Fun stuff. I'm probably gonna' have to get out of my shell a little more. Lovely.

Still stoked about my classes though. :P Now I'm gonna' go see what I can do about those supplies.



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